• Hello everybody,
    I have searched for a lot of options for implementing my required solution, but didn’t find anything working. Maybe you can give me an advice of what plugin/plugins to use or how to modify/write the code to implement these issues:

    • Visitors should be able to register without leaving the page where they are at the moment. Through the widget, popup or whatever in the same site.
    • Registered users should be able to login and ask to remind the pasword without leaving the page where they are at the moment. Through the widget, popup or whatever in the same site.
    • Logged in users should not see the any links to access the dashboard and any other admin interface pages.
    • Logged in users should be able to write the posts to any category through the front end interface. It could be done on any page, widget or whatever.
    • Admin should approve all new posts written by other users.

    I have found the only perfect solution – plugin Article Directory, here is the demo site to understand better what I mean. It does everything I need, even more – creating articles directory, what is also good, just it’s not working with the WordPress 3.3.1 ??

    Would appreciate any help, even for working solutions of separate parts what I need to implement.

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  • Thread Starter vicius


    Thanks for help guys! ??
    Worked hard for about 24h and find the perfect solution..!
    Combination of these plugins:

    For registration, login and inserting custom menu widget for registered users and even for different roles different menius (just need to turn on additional modules in plugin’s settings page).

    For writing posts, viewing them all, editing them and editing your profile settings on fron-end interface

    Really didn’t think that it could work so well.

    Just one more thing needs to be resolved:
    How to set up that some of the users roles (for example – author) wouldn’t see the WordPress toolbar on top when viewing front-end site?

    Maybe you can recommend some plugins for different roles settings?

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Vicius,
    many thanks for your investigations. Due the fact, that I work with the great PlugIn ‘Wp User Frontend’ I’am going to test the ‘theme My LogIn’. So I hope to get a customer LogIn, that’s different from the Admin LogIn’. To answer your question, I found ‘role scope’ and ‘adminimize’ for different role settings.

    Greetings from a fascinated wp user;-)

    Here my results:

    – Theme my LogIn: do its jobs for customizing the LogIn and has a basic document rights management overriding wp settings.

    – WP User frontend: Great for the user/abonnent to write articles and let the ‘normal’ users stay away from backend.

    These two tools are harmonizing together, but at the end for me there’s just one thing missing: A scalable user management on basic wordpress like this: LogIn as user/abonnent. Rights as given in tools: User is able to write/edit/delete articles, but they are still offline since admin or whoever has the right to officialized those articles. Admin or whoever set the user on author status and from that moment all articles from ex-user/ex-abonnent, now-Author, are in officializes status. Which PlugIn gonna get this? Even not Adminimize after my experiences. So, looking & searching forward after it.. Best greetings,lp.

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