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  • Ok i got it, i had to put it in footer for some reason

    Now, is there a way that with clicking on OK i get redirected to PM page.
    + to add additional CANCEL button for those who want to check PM later?

    ok thank you, I’ll try this soon.

    one more question : can I replace “Hey! you have a new private message” by something like “Vous avez un nouveau message privé”

    mayby, I’ll be back here for CSS questions, but I’ll try by myself first.

    thank you very much!

    Hello, is it possible to show how many messages a user has in the menu? For example my website has a menu that has selections like: My Account / Learn More / Contact / Messages

    So where it says Messages can it show how many new messages a user has like: Messages(5)

    Any answer would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    hello there!

    so I tried the code you gave me, and it’s ok for me even if it’s not what I was thinking about first.

    meanwhile, there’s some problems :
    – it pop up on every pages, so it’s quite puzzling. wich header.php doc do I have to put it in? (I hope my question is understandable :-S )

    – It pop up even if there is no new message. I think I have something to add in the code line, but I don’t know what and where

    -I would be very pleased if the pages of my blog were still visibles behind the pop up window.

    thank you very much for your help!

    OK so here is what i use for popup for new message:

    $fep = new fep_main_class();
    $numNew = $fep->getNewMsgs();
    //if ($numNew != 0) { echo'<center><div style="width:30%; font-weight: bold;font-size: 20px;padding:10px;border-radius:5px;border:1px solid #fff;background:red"><a href=>You have new private message!</a></div></center>'; }
    if ($numNew != 0) { echo"<script>alert('Hey! you have a new private message'); </script>"; }

    But it appears on page login, and again when i actually get on FPM page. This is anoying for some users.
    Is tehre a way to , once we click ok on popub box that we are transfered to the new message or something like that?


    Can we use something like this to receive popups about announcements?


    How can I display this in my wordpress menu in the header.php?


    Messages ( 1 )

    I’ve been only able to link it.

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