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  • Thread Starter Marc Jauvin


    Actually, I am not even sure this ACF feature does what I want… I need to be able to create an order form with Complex field type (allow a visitor to add multiple optional entries in the order form). But I don’t necessarily want them to create a post, only be able to receive the form and process it on the back-end.


    I’ve got the same need as Marc: build a front-end form with a repeater field and process the data in the background in a complex field type.

    To build the repeater field in the front-end form, I use this github Jquery script:

    In a CPT, I’ve got a complex field type:

    Container::make( 'post_meta', esc_html__( 'Schedule' , 'katt' ) )
          ->show_on_post_type( 'presentation' )
          ->add_fields( array(
      			        Field::make( 'complex', 'complex_presentation_speakers' , esc_html__( 'Speaker(s)' , 'katt' ) )->add_fields( array(
      						          Field::make( 'select' , 'katt_presentation_speakers' , esc_html__( 'Speaker' , 'katt' ) )
      					    	        ->add_options( $katt_presentations_users_dropdown_menu ),

    – How to structure the array() with the data get from the front Jquery repeater to set it in the complex field ?

    – How to name the complex field when setting the array() with add_post_meta ?
    add_post_meta(“post_ID” , “field_name-structure ?”, array() );

    Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter Marc Jauvin


    Since I last wrote I decided to try ACF Pro with the front-end form support and I must say it’s working really well.

    I really prefer Carbon Fields and would really like it if support for Front-end form was added.


    Plugin Author htmlBurger


    Hey, thanks for the great suggestion.

    Unfortunately we don’t plan to include this feature in CF. We may consider making another plugin just for front-end form handling that works with CF, but it’s not on the roadmap at the moment.

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