Front-end display error
I have some display errors on my website whereas there are no problems in the back-end editor.
I am using The7 theme and I am working on a local servor.
For example, the advanced carrousel, the Google Maps, the Header settings are not displaying,
Moreover, my shop on Woocommerce seems to still be here in the back-end but does not display the products and the previous settings that I managed to set on the website.I tried to desactivate the plugins to see where the problem was but I didn’t see anything.
Then, I removed the cache. And now I found that something went wrong in the development tools of the browser (F12) but it seems that it only concerns the carrousel :<strong>An end tag does not match (at line 425) :</strong> <strong></div><div class=”ult-item-wrap” data-animation=”animated no-animation”><div id=”ultimate-heading-16625b6c0fe0933be” class=”uvc-heading ult-adjust-bottom-margin ultimate-heading-16625b6c0fe0933be uvc-9867 ” data-hspacer=”no_spacer” data-halign=”center” style=”text-align:center”><div class=”uvc-heading-spacer no_spacer” style=”top”></div><div class=”uvc-sub-heading ult-responsive” data-ultimate-target=’.uvc-heading.ultimate-heading-16625b6c0fe0933be .uvc-sub-heading ‘ data-responsive-json-new='{“font-size”:”desktop:18px;tablet:18px;tablet_portrait:14px;mobile_landscape:14px;mobile:14px;”,”line-height”:”desktop:30px;tablet:30px;tablet_portrait:24px;mobile_landscape:24px;mobile:24px;”}’ style=”font-style:italic;font-weight:normal;”>? Une sandwicherie pas comme les autres ?</p></strong> <p>Des produits de qualité. Un accueil chaleureux. Pas plus cher qu’ailleurs pour déjeuner dans le quartier. Je vous recommande cette adresse !</div></div></div><div class=”ult-item-wrap” data-animation=”animated no-animation”> <strong>and there is also this point : </strong> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { if( typeof jQuery('.ult-carousel-302865b6c367670db9').slick == "function"){ $('.ult-carousel-302865b6c367670db9').slick({dots: true,autoplaySpeed: 5000,speed: 600,infinite: true,arrows: true,nextArrow: '<button type="button" role="button" aria-label="Next" style="color:#ffffff; font-size:26px;background:#edddc7;" class="slick-next square-bg"><i class="ultsl-arrow-right6"></i></button>',prevArrow: '<button type="button" role="button" aria-label="Previous" style="color:#ffffff; font-size:26px;background:#edddc7;" class="slick-prev square-bg"><i class="ultsl-arrow-left6"></i></button>',slidesToScroll:1,slidesToShow:1,swipe: true,draggable: true,touchMove: true,pauseOnHover: true,pauseOnFocus: false,responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1025, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, } }, { breakpoint: 769, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 481, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ],pauseOnDotsHover: true,customPaging: function(slider, i) { return '<i type="button" style= "color:#333333;" class="ultsl-record" data-role="none"></i>'; },}); } }) <strong>and the second error:</strong> x Unable to obtain the “webkit” property of a null or undefined reference (“not-iOS”),!a.browser.webkit||dtGlobals.isMobile?c.addClass(“not-webkit”).removeClass(“is-webkit”):c.removeClass(“not-webkit”).addClass(“is-webkit”),jQuery.browser.msie&&10==jQuery.browser.version&&c.addClass SCRIPT5007: Unable to obtain the “webkit” property of a null or undefined reference File: above-the-fold.min.js, line:1, column: 8135
Does someone could help me with that?
Thank you!
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