Ouch! Tareq has come up with a wonderful project management system that initially worked only in the back end. After prodding from his fans, he developed an add-on so that his plugin could operate or at least be viewable in the front end. If you have no need for project management, which I’m guessing you don’t, then just put the plugin aside for another day or site.
In the interim, this post itself is inside of the forum which is a part of the WordPress repository of information, also including plugins, themes, and the Codex.
If you scroll to the top, you’ll see the Navigation menu has the word “Support” highlighted, so to speak. You need to look to the left of that and click on the “Plugins” tab/link.
That will take you to the “Plugin Directory”. In the center, you’ll see a search bar. Type in front end, and hit Search Plugins. You’ll then be presented with page after page with plugins that match or closely match those keywords (front end). Do not stop looking after a page or two. Just keep trucking along until you’ve gone through about 15 pages of plugins. Then try typing in frontend (as one word), in case the plugin description uses the phrase as a single word.
Happy hunting.