• Hello,
    I’m trying to build a site for my dancer sister-in-law that she can edit on her own: calendar, pictures and videos, news, etc and where she can have subcriptions or a newsletter setup (I haven’t figured out what will work better for her yet). Other than that it should be a fairly simple site – I think a bit more graphic.

    We already have a temp site on her server – my main questions is what do I do now? haha. What is the best way to build the ‘real’ site without hosting it on her server (or not on the root anyway – since we got the temp site for the time being) while also avoiding broken links or broken anythings once we do switch the WP powered site?
    Would installing in a ‘testing’ folder in her server work smoothly when we switch?

    Is there a way to block visiblity of the site until it is done?

    If I create the CSS and XHTML files from stratch what is the best way to bring them in if I don’t really know PHP?

    Any advise is really appreciated! This will be my first attempt at WP as a CMS – I’m feeling a bit nervous about it. :!

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  • There is some great info here about Moving WordPress

    So basically you could test it at yoursistersdomain.com/wordpress/ and once you’re done tesing just follow the steps from the above link and you should be able to move the wordpress files to your root folder or yoursistersdomain.com .


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