• Ive been with Warfare for about 3-4 years. For the first few years, an epic solution, epic service. The last six months, a dramatic change across the board. When the plugin crashes, I get excuses, blame, never solutions.

    For example, I tested my podcast shares and my master class shares with several friends via phone, laptop, and PC shares. Their shares were not updating. Customer service told me to try a BETA version of the plugin and promised no share losses.

    My master class page went from 161 shares to 11. I was then told 11 was correct, and they cant help what Facebook was reporting. All other sharing, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter- all were lost, not just Facebook. So I went to a back-up and sure enough, I was back up to 161. So which one is the lie- all the tweets, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Facebook = 161? Or the 11? It cant be both. Zero ownership on their behalf.

    And then I was told I was getting too emotional. This is six months of very hard work and ad dollars, to get the shares and listens to where they are, it is normal and human to get upset when getting the runaround. They are no longer the plugin and business they once were.

    I really like Social Warfare and then the incident above happened. Recently, again with Andrea, some things came up and it was a far more positive interaction. And the now the social share shows up on my phone.

    The relationship with Justin started off exceptionally well. Andrea, in another arena, was always great. I guess we all go through really bad periods, me included. They earned the right, by improving and listening much better, for me to update this review. Im back to being a fan.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by bobolmstead.
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Andrea Whitmer


    Hi Bob,

    Since you brought it here, I will repeat that our plugin can only return the shares given to it by each social network API. The APIs still show the lower numbers and we have to assume those are correct because the API is where the numbers come from.

    We have offered a full refund, we have offered to troubleshoot, we have tried to explain the issue and look for other potential causes of the discrepancy with your counts. It seems the only solution you’re interested in pursuing is one where your buttons will show inaccurate counts that aren’t reflected by the social networks themselves. That is your right but it ties our hands in trying to help you.

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    You plugin shows, right now, 161 shares to include other platforms besides Facebook. Is it lying? Is the API wrong on all of them? Twitter, LinkedIN, everyone else? Was the slow build up, more and more shares, over six months, all a lie? Are my friends lying, too? Your plugin is broken- period. As demonstrated by your post, zero ownership of this.

    Once I get the migration issues resolved, I will pursue the full refund

    Andrea Whitmer


    Hi Bob,

    BuzzSumo shows the exact same thing – screenshot here: https://cloudup.com/ca0lid6G3bo

    As does SharedCount: https://www.sharedcount.com/

    As does ShareTally: https://sharetally.co/441212/

    This is not specific to Social Warfare as shown via the links above.

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    Prior to your solution, your BETA, 88 Facebook, 62 Pinterest, 11 LinkedIn. Your plugin populated this, not me, before I used your BETA. Your BETA install dropped it to 11. So the 62 from Pinterest, the 11 from LinkedIn were all false reads, by your plugin? When I restored my site from several days ago, all the same data reappeared.

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    So either your plugin was massively broken before now, which is horrible to deceive a business owner that way. Or its massively broken now. It has to be one or the other.

    Andrea Whitmer


    The fact that your counts have changed indicates either (1) the APIs are returning different values than they did before or (2) you were previously using our share recovery feature and aren’t currently using it. There is no other way to explain this considering I have showed you multiple other sources that show the exact same numbers.

    In any event, your refund has been issued and you should see it in 3-5 business days depending on your bank’s policies. Best of luck!

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    I have never used your share recovery service at any point. The values were the values before I turned in the ticket, built over six months. The plugin is broken and Warfare doesnt know why nor are you taking ownership of this fact, which is the bigger problem.

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    And Im posting all of this because I want owners super clear what they are getting into. There are a ton of complaints on here from the last six months. It would be different, dramatically different, if there was ownership and solutions. Thats not what has happened and I want website owners to know that, going in.

    Thread Starter bobolmstead


    And the final area. The fix that Social Warfare had me deploy dropped my master class shares from 161 to 11, and, as noted above, I was accused by them of trying to get shares I never earned. Well, the developer I hired spotted something else this am.

    Social Warfare asked me had I ever changed my URL WELL INTO me putting in my ticket. My answer was no even though that was the wrong answer, even though I did not know it at the time. First, the Social Warfare share URL add-on that I noted above. And now, because I went to SSL, that threw everything off. Dramatically. And I would have no way of knowing this.

    The response from them during all this and I quote, the plugin appears to working as it should. Nowhere in that triage process from my ticket was the question, did you recently move to SSL? That critical question was never asked when it should have been the first thing they asked.

    Had the focus been, from Social Warfare, service, truly solving the problem; as in, there is obviously something going on here, let’s keep looking- this long thread would not be here. Had they asked me, ever, about SSL- this thread would not be here.

    Instead of solving the problems that the developer immediately found, I was berated for getting very upset. Over the last six months, I have spent several thousand dollars to on PPC. Over one thousand shares in total on my site. And their solutions dramatically reduced that number to about 150.

    When I pushed back and challenged what they were telling me, refused to accept it, thats when things rapidly went sideways. There was never good triage and demonstrated competence, to properly get to the bottom of this issue.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by bobolmstead. Reason: New data, typos
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