• CF emails are set to being forwarded to an external email address (through email forwarding). Using last WP and WPCF7 versions.
    Strange thing happens: when receiving email it is always missing the last character in the “From” name when received, for example:

    From: Jack Allorez

    will be received as:

    From: Jack Allore

    Anybody seen this before?

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  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Can I see the site?

    Thread Starter Jack All


    Tnx for your quick response! I forgot about that…
    Meanwhile I did some deeper investigation en I can see in Flamingo that the name is spelled correctly in the your-name field. Tried with Flamingo plugin deactivated. It still missing the last character in the name when receiving the forwarded email.

    I’m using latest WordPress version pretty much out of the box with few plugins as possible. Looks something in the backend is not working right…


    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    What other plugins do you use on the site?

    Thread Starter Jack All


    A complete list of my plugins (all up to date):
    – Akismet Anti-Spam
    – Contact Form 7
    – Flamingo
    – Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
    – Loginizer
    – Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media)
    – WP Fastest Cache (not active)
    – Yoast SEO

    WP theme: Catch responsive
    Wordpress: 4.8.1

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    First, clear the WP Fastest Cache completely. I’m seeing a cached page.

    <!-- WP Fastest Cache file was created in 0.34016489982605 seconds, on 25-08-17 15:15:19 -->

    Thread Starter Jack All


    Hmmm, strange behaviour ?? It seems that with option ‘caching’ deactivated and cache flushed, the plugin still caches pages! I’ll notify the author on that, tnx.
    I’ve now flushed the cache again and disabled the plugin completely.

    But it does not seem to make any difference. After testing the form again, I used ftp to check the file with the sent message in the Maildir folder on the webserver. I am able to see the error in the FROM: field there.

    It looks like something goes wrong in code after processing the form, when creating the email message. We might have stumbled upon a bug here. If it’s not wpcf7 then it might be wp_mail() or another script. As I said before, the [your-name] field in Flamingo states the name correctly.

    Many thanks for your precious time and help!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Jack All.
    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Or might be a mailer bug. What mailer client do you use? What if you use another one?

    Thread Starter Jack All


    The web site is running on a shared hosting platform. How to figure that out?

    Am I correct in thinking wpcf7 uses a background process in php, like wp_mail(), before it is being forwarded to the client? Is there a way to debug that part?
    As I said the message in plain text on the server is already missing the last character. So IMHO it can not be my local mail client that is malforming the From name.

    Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    Have you tried with all other plugins deactivated and using the default theme?

    Contact Form 7 calls wp_mail() to send mail, so by deactivating other plugins you can rule out cases that they interfere the process.

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