• I’m a git newb but learning. I have revisr installed locally, working great. Push pull no problem.

    I have a git repo on bitbucket, all files seem to be there.

    When I install on my production server, i get the green success indicator when i enter my remote creds. However when I try to do the initial pull it says:
    The local repository is already up-to-date with the remote repository.

    So i created a fresh wordpress install and only installed revisr. Same thing. Now I know for a fact they aren’t up to date because there’s nothing on the wyndev site yet.

    I thought maybe leaving the project name at origin was causing problems so I updated it to the project name on bitbucket, same deal.

    The first time I did this on my production site, I ignored the 15,000 files are unchecked are you sure warning. Needless to say I ended up with only a wp admin folder and .git folder and no website. (don’t worry i got it back using updraft in under 30 minutes.)

    I do have SSH access to my webhost and am considering doing a git fetch and wiping out the wyndev install but want to make sure it’s not something stupid that I’ve misconfigured.

    Thanks for helping a newb, I’m a huge fan of what Revisr is trying to accomplish!



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  • Thread Starter cnbscene


    Forgot to give you this!

    ### Begin System Info ###

    — WordPress Configuration

    Site URL: https://wynlv.com
    Home URL: https://wynlv.com
    Multisite: No
    Version: 4.4.2
    Language: en_US
    Table Prefix: Length: 8
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled
    Memory Limit: 40M

    — Revisr Configuration

    Plugin Version: 2.0.2
    Automatic Backups: Disabled
    Auto-Push: Disabled
    Auto-Pull: Disabled
    Import checkouts: Disabled
    Import pulls: Enabled
    Work Tree: /home2/cnbscene/public_html/wynlv
    Git Dir: /home2/cnbscene/public_html/wynlv/.git
    Repository Detected: true
    Repository Writable: true

    — Server Configuration

    Operating System: Linux
    PHP Version: 5.6.17
    MySQL Version: 5.5.42
    Git Version: git version
    Git Install Path: /usr/bin/git
    MySQL Install Path: /usr/bin/mysql
    Server Software: Apache
    Server User: cnbscene

    — PHP Configuration

    Safe Mode: Disabled
    Exec Enabled: Enabled
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Size: 50M
    Post Max Size: 50M
    Upload Max Filesize: 50M
    Time Limit: 30
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Display Errors: N/A

    — WordPress Active Plugins

    Akismet: 3.1.9
    All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets: 1.4.0
    AMP: 0.3.2
    Caldera Forms:
    CategoryTinymce: 3.6.4
    Force Regenerate Thumbnails: 2.0.5
    Global Content Blocks: 2.1.5
    Google Tag Manager for WordPress: 1.2
    Google XML Sitemaps: 4.0.8
    Heartbeat Control: 1.0.3
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster: 3.5.1
    Revisr: 2.0.2
    Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer: 3.15.2
    Ultimate Social Deux: 3.1.6
    UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore:
    Upload Larger Plugins: 1.2
    W3 Total Cache:
    WPBakery Visual Composer: 4.10
    WPFront Notification Bar: 1.7
    WP Last Modified: 0.1
    WP Smush: 2.1.5
    Yoast SEO: 3.1.2

    — WordPress Inactive Plugins

    Fourteen Colors: 1.2
    Fourteen Extended: 1.2.33
    Google Content Experiments: 1.0.3
    HTML Regex Replace: 1.1
    MaxButtons: 4.19
    Ninja Forms: 2.9.38
    SEO Keyword Suggestions by HitTail: 1.0.3
    Slider Revolution: 5.1.6
    Styles: 1.1.10
    Styles: TwentyFourteen: 1.0.2
    WordPress Importer: 0.6.1
    WP-DBManager: 2.78
    WP-HTML-Compression: 0.5.8

    ### End System Info ###

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