• Hi there!

    Read several posts here and on other sites, tried this and that, but i have a constant problem:

    – the visual editor / tinymce is not working – no toolbar is shown. once clicked on the “text” tab, “visual” is clickable, but it does not look like beeing the active tab afterwards.

    – the text editor shows white text – with some playing around (see below) this problem goes away

    – the add media button can be clicked, but nothing happens. (with media added to the library before!)

    what did i try to fix this so far:

    – re downloaded, re-installed wordpress
    – fresh install on a separate subdomain, fresh database,…
    – overwrote wp-admin & wp-includes dir in current install
    – added concatenate-scripts line in wp-config
    – cleared cookies/browser cache several times
    – switched to 2012 theme
    – changed all permissions to 777
    – called /wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce.php directly, gives no php errors, file starts with “(function(e){var a=”…, ends with …”})(tinymce);”
    – tried on current versions of chrome, opera and even msie
    – changed browser settings to accept all cookies, allow popups,… …

    so currently i have no ideas. except that i find many other threads like this when searching for “visual editor broken”, “white text”,… with mostly the same solutions which did not help in my case….

    Any Ideas…?

    Opera debugging, filtered for javascript errors brings up some stuff – not a js-dev though and googling in this direction only brings up non-wordpress related errors.

    [14.09.2013 11:07:27] JavaScript - https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit
    Inline script thread
    Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'tinymce.html' to object
    Error thrown at line 388, column 1 in <anonymous function>(tinymce) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js?ver=358-25336:
        tinymce.html.Schema = function(settings) {
    called from line 13, column 0 in https://#siteaddress#/wp-includes/js/tinymce/wp-tinymce-schema.js?ver=358-25336:
        (function(tinymce) {
    [14.09.2013 11:07:27] JavaScript - https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit
    Inline script thread
    Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'tinymce.baseURI' to object
    Error thrown at line 1148, column 4 in <anonymous function>() in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit:
        DOM.files[tinymce.baseURI.getURI() + '/themes/advanced/skins/wp_theme/ui.css'] = true;
    called from line 1142, column 2 in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit:
    [14.09.2013 11:07:27] JavaScript - https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/post.php?post=1&action=edit
    Event thread: DOMContentLoaded
    Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot convert 'tinymce.onAddEditor' to object
    Error thrown at line 87, column 22513 in <anonymous function>(f) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-ajax-response,autosave,jquery-color,wp-lists,quicktags,jquery-query,admin-comments,sugg&load%5B%5D=est,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,postbox,heartbeat,post,thickbox,underscore,shortcode,back&load%5B%5D=bone,wp-util,wp-backbone,media-models,wp-plupload,media-views,media-editor,wp-auth-check,word-count,editor,jquery-ui-resizable,j&load%5B%5D=query-ui-draggable,jquery-ui-button,jquery-ui-position,jquery-ui-dialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen,media-upl&load%5B%5D=oad&ver=3.6.1:
        tinymce.onAddEditor.add(function(i,j){if(j.id!="content"||tinymce.isIOS5){return}function k(){var l,m=document.getElementById("content_ifr"),o=m?parseInt(m.style.height,10):0,n=f("#content_tbl tr.mceFirst").height();if(!o||!n){return false}l=o+n+21;l-=33;return l}j.onLoadContent.add(function(m,q){var r,n=document.getElementById("content"),l=n?parseInt(n.style.height,10):0,p=f("#content_tbl tr.mceFirst").height()||33;if(!l||l<50||l>5000){l=360}if(getUserSetting("ed_size")>5000){setUserSetting("ed_size",360)}r=(l-p)+12;if(r>50&&r<5000){f("#content_tbl").css("height","");f("#content_ifr").css("height",r+"px")}});j.onSaveContent.add(function(m,n){var l=k();if(!l||l<50||l>5000){return}f("textarea#content").css("height",l+"px")});j.onPostRender.add(function(){f("#content_resize").on("mousedown.wp-mce-resize",function(l){f(document).on("mouseup.wp-mce-resize",function(n){var m;f(document).off("mouseup.wp-mce-resize");m=k();if(m&&m>50&&m<5000){setUserSetting("ed_size",m)}})})})});
    called via Function.prototype.apply() from line 3, column 51981 in <anonymous function: x.Callbacks>(t) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,plupload-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6.1:
    called from line 3, column 53536 in <anonymous function: fireWith>(e, t) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,plupload-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6.1:
    called from line 3, column 6439 in <anonymous function: ready>(e) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,plupload-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6.1:
    called from line 3, column 1274 in <anonymous function>(e) in https://#siteaddress#/wp-admin/load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,plupload-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6.1:

    Thanks for any ideas….

    Brgds, Martin.

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  • Thread Starter smartinick


    Sorry, forgot to add:

    – disabling all plugins does not fix the problem either, as well as renaming the plugins-folder does not fix it.

    Thread Starter smartinick


    and a fresh install of the old version 3.6 does not help either.

    Smartinick, Does your theme force an older version of jQuery than 1.10.2? Also, if jQuery is the culprit, make sure to clear your browser’s cache for your site to remove an reference to the other jQuery library.

    Thread Starter smartinick


    i’ve just been using the 2 themes that came with 3.6.1 – so i’d say that could not be the problem.

    But, interestingly, 2 days later, it just works – on the 1st site i’ve created on saturday morning. on the 2nd test site i’ve created on the same server (different subdomain) in the afternoon, it’s still broken.

    so i doubt i can be any caching issue – also as i’ve cleared all browser data numerous times on saturday – but i also can not explain this behaviour which is not really trust-building..

    anyway, will wait for another day…. *strange*

    I had this same problem for days now, I finally got it resolved today. My problem was that my server is processing javascript files through php. Further some of the programmers in my company are using php shortcodes <? rather than <?php. So what is happening is that the php server is throwing errors on the tinymce.js file. The error I get in javascript console is;

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier tiny_mce.js:2
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined wp-tinymce-schema.js:940
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinyMCE is not defined wp-langs-en.js:1
    Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined post.php?post=34&action=edit:1575

    If you attempt to directly access this file on my server;


    I get

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /domain.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js on line 1

    Because this javascript is minified and is all on line 1. So I expanded the code and ran it again and found this piece of code giving me the problem.

    if(i){c.push("<?",h," ",i,"?>")}else{c.push("<?",h,"?>")}

    So because my server is set to use php to parse the javascript files (there is a reason why they want it) and we are using php shortcodes, this is why tinymce.js is failing.

    Here are 2 solutions for you.

    1. make sure php short codes are off. short_open_tag=Off in your php.ini file
    2. set apache to only process php files with php


    I could not do either of these, my solution was this.

    • open /wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce.js
    • find if(i){c.push("<?",h," ",i,"?>")}else{c.push("<?",h,"?>")}
    • delete it
    • refresh post page… fixed, kinda
    • I noticed a second row of tags missing when I compared to another wordpress install I have on another server
    • so I got & installed this plugin Ultimate Tinymce
    • fixed!

    Here is a list of things that worked for other people.

    Clear Cache Solution

    • deactivate plugs
    • switch to default theme
    • clear cache
    • Loaded page back up with it working
    • then turned back on theme and plugins

    Use Google Libraries Plugin Solution

    Turned off visual editor workaround

    • Go to users tab in admin
    • Select your profile
    • under visual editor setting
    • Check the box Disable the visual editor when writing
    • click update profile

    Alter wp-config.php file

    • add define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false); to wp-congig.php

    Thank you! So appreciate your help.

    I’m having this problem too, but only in Chrome for Mac (Version 29.0.1547.76). Firefox for Mac works normally.

    I had this problem as well. Clicking on various buttons like “visual”, or any of the check boxes in Screen Options weren’t doing anything. In my case, the culprit was jQuery-ui which was being loaded from Google in functions.php for the TwentyThirteen theme. Wow, that’s a run-on sentence if I ever saw one. Anyway, I commented out this code and the back-end of WordPress returned to normal.

    ello dear ChrisHPZ, rporter , HmFinc, Dan, smartinik and good day dear redwf,

    glad to read this thread: well i also had serious issues ncaught-syntaxerror-unexpected-token-illegal

    was not able to do configurations of the widgets in wp 3.9
    was not able to access the set-options page
    was not able to switch the accessible mode

    btw – the magic_quotes_gpc, magic_quotes_runtime, are not set off
    do you think that this may help. btw: See the page https://www.literaturen.org

    i would be happy to hear from you

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