Aha…another mental trigger finally went off.
This is actually proving to be a 2 part issue.
One, you’re setting the shortcode to display “all achievements” and thus the code is not trying to separate out by individual type. It’s just using “achievements” as a catch-all.
// If we're dealing with multiple achievement types
if ( 'all' == $type ) {
$post_type_plural = 'achievements';
} else {
$types = explode( ',', $type );
$post_type_plural = ( 1 == count( $types ) ) ? get_post_type_object( $type )->labels->name : 'achievements';
the $post_type_plural is what’s passed into the option values.
However, these are two spots that we have missed for gettext spots as well. So we’ll need to get that fixed and get the pot files updated. Not sure when that will go out in a proper release though, so not sure how soon you could get it taken care of.
Regardless, this got pointed out, and should be fixed more sooner than later.