• This doesn’t do much of anything unless you pay for a specific version. No big deal, just wish author(s) were honest about that before installation.

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  • Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello cach3

    I don’t normally reply to any Reviews be they good or bad – but you are publicly accusing me of being dishonest – which is easy to do behind the anonymity of a username.

    To give your review some credibility and prove you are not just a troll trashing peoples reputation please point out to me just one thing that the free lite version does not do that it states it will do on the plugins description – here is the link

    Here is the list of things that the plugin says it will do – I’d like you to justify calling me dishonest by pointing out to all concerned just 1 of these that the plugin did not do for you? Just one

    Catalog Visibility Rules

    * Product Page Rule: Hide ‘Add to Cart’
    * Apply Rule not logged in users
    * Filter Rule by user role to logged in users.

    * Product Page Rule: Show Email Inquiry Button
    * Apply Rule to logged in users.
    * Filter Rule by user Role to logged in users.

    Hide ‘Add to Cart’

    * Turn the Rule ON and Hide the add to cart feature from all not logged in users.
    * Use Roles to give selected users grouped by Roles access to full store functionality.

    Email Product Inquiry

    WooCommerce Email Inquiry & Cart Options uses the WordPress email config and requires no external email plugin. Features

    * Instantly add a Product Email Inquiry button to every product page.
    Option to use hyperlinked text instead of a Button.
    * Email Inquiry form is a pop up form. It is a beautifully elegant Email Product Inquiry solution that takes up no room on your product page.
    * Mobile responsive Pop-up auto resizes to any phone screen size – portrait or landscape.
    * Email Contact form breaks down to show beautifully in any mobile device.
    * Use ‘Rules and Roles’ setting to customize who can see the Email Inquiry button once they are logged in.
    * Set the receiver email address.
    * Set a receiver cc email address
    * Fully customizable Sent success message shows as a pop-up on screen after inquiry is submitted.
    * Use the WordPress text editor (WYSIWYG and HTML) to style the success message (see image under the Screenshots tab on this page)

    Steve Truman
    Team Leader @ a3rev

    Thread Starter cash3p


    The FREE version doesn’t do most of the things you list…namely, Show Email Inquiry Button, Email Product Inquiry. As far as I can tell, the only thing the free version does is hide the add to cart button. As you can see from other posts, I’m not the only one who finds your FREE version to be fairly useless. I’m sorry if you’re offended by my post, but I only think it’s fair to let others know what the FREE version doesn’t do before they spend time downloading/installing this plugin thinking it will allow them to add a button for users to email an inquiry about a product. The FREE version does not do this. As I stated before. I don’t have a problem with your plugin, but I don’t believe you are being straight forward about what the free version does and doesn’t do.

    Please feel free to enlighten me if I’ve missed something. I’m not trying to “hide” behind a user name, I’m simply using the review system available to me through the WordPress Forums.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Hello cach3p

    Re this
    The FREE version doesn’t do most of the things you list…namely, Show Email Inquiry Button, Email Product Inquiry.

    That would because you switched on the Show Email inquiry button rule , but did not apply it to your admin user role – then looked at the front end and didn’t see the Button so you assume it was not working. it works fine if you had applied the show email inquiry button to your logged in user role or looked it it in another browser where you where not logged in. That is how the plugin works – The Rules are based on user Roles.

    The Free version currently has 2,000 plus active users – and many more who have upgraded to one of the Premium versions that has more advanced features that they may need. Also during the last 6 months there have been only 4 support requests posted and 2 of those are pre purchase questions.

    If you look at the changelog you will see the time and effort that we put into maintaining this plugin – 7 new versions in the last 6 months including 18 code tweaks and 4 bug fixes.

    I see that you are using another plugin and are having issues with it

    You posted a support request with that plugin author – but not with us – Why?
    You just choose for whatever your motive is to trash our plugin and call me dishonest – that is the only reason I have bothered to reply to you – because you obviously have some personal axe to grind with us.

    Thread Starter cash3p


    I stand corrected…Maybe your plugin does work? But judging from some of the other reviews, it’s obvious that others have had similar issues with understanding how your product works.

    I certainly don’t have a personal axe to grind with you…I don’t even know you. I’m just a busy person trying to get a site together for a friend who’s on a budget. I don’t always have time to read “change logs”. It has been my experience that the operation of most plugins is self evident. I was just trying to save another busy person a little time. I had no intention of “trashing” your plugin.

    I did not post a support request because after reading other reviews, it seemed that others have had similar experiences and you did not respond to those people…certainly not in such a negative way. As a matter of fact, you didn’t respond at all. I’m not certain why you choose to jump on me when my review was very similar to others that are posted here. Perhaps you’re having a bad day. I’m sorry, hope tomorrow is better for you.

    Thread Starter cash3p


    Just a thought…It might have been more appropriate to politely offer assistance to a potential customer who obviously did not understand how your product worked. It would have taken far less effort on your part, and I most likely would have “retracted” my original post and changed it to something more positive, like “Great Product, Great Support”. That may have gained you more paying customers in the future. Instead, potential customers may look at this exchange and choose not to deal with someone who treats users with such disdain.

    Again, I’m Sorry for any misunderstanding on my part. I have no personal ax to grind with you.

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    cach3p –

    Re this:
    It has been my experience that the operation of most plugins is self evident.

    Simple ones yes – but what WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart options does is not simple – BUT there are extensive help notes on the dashboard about the need to assign rules to user roles – BUT we cannot make you read them.

    about support – we state clearly on the description

    = Premium Support =

    The a3rev team does not provide support for the WooCommerce Email Inquiry and Cart Options plugin on the www.remarpro.com forums. One on one developer support is available via the plugins a3rev support forum to people who have purchased a Pro Version License.

    Part of the Pro Version Lifetime License fee – in this case US$39 is lifetime support – see support forum

    We are a full time team of plugin developers how do this for a living, we maintain just over 90 plugins – 19 of which are here on www.remarpro.com – of that 19 plugins, 16 have in app purchases to put it in a familiar term.

    We are also contributors to the WooCommerce core script and all of our plugins are coded to the strictest standards following the WordPress and WooCommerce codex.

    We are very care to fully document on each plugin on WordPress what the plugin does and what the Pro Version upgrades do.

    Unfortunately because we actually have to make money to pay wages to our 7 staff we only do support for the Free versions when we are not doing support for our customers or busy working on new maintenance or feature upgrades.

    Yes we do cop some bad reviews – and as I said we almost never respond – but they don’t call us dishonest.

    Still that is wordpress forums for you – full of anonymous people who think a developer who has put hundreds of hours of work into developing and maintaining plugins for free is there to be trashed at a whim.

    And no I am not having a bad day – you may not react when someone publicly questions your honesty – but strangely enough I do?

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    Sorry I am missing something here

    Just a thought…It might have been more appropriate to politely offer assistance to a potential customer who obviously did not understand how your product worked.

    You post a public review proclaiming that I am dishonest and that the plugin is worthless and you think that I should offer to politely help you?

    Yes I will help you but I am not taking a backward step in regards to my honesty or the quality of our plugins. If you would like some assistance – please post a polite support request and I will help you in a polite fashion.

    Thread Starter cash3p


    I wasn’t questioning “your” personal honesty or integrity. It simply appeared that a3rev team neglected to mention that many of the functions of the plugin operate only when using the paid version. I have since been corrected and I acknowledged that.

    While your plugin may work wonderfully, I will never know. I do know that I will not use nor will I recommend any plugin by a3rev team for the simple reason that one their team members chooses to argue with users rather than lending a quick hand. Again, it would have been in your best interest to politely point me in the right direction when it was obvious I didn’t understand the proper use of the plugin. Instead you chose to turn this into an argument. You appear to be your own worst enemy.

    The only thing you had to say was: “Switch on the Show Email inquiry button rule, then apply it to your admin user role”. You could have been a hero with one simple sentence, but you took the low road and ended up looking like a defensive jerk instead. Again, it’s obvious from some of the other reviews that others are confused by this too. How many potential customers could you have helped? It’s not just about the people who are already paying you, it’s also about the people who MIGHT pay you in the future because you were helpful and offered great support, even when you didn’t have to!

    Plugin Author Steve Truman


    which we would have done if you had posted a support request – but you didn’t – can I remind you what you did post – there was no request for support just this

    “This doesn’t do much of anything unless you pay for a specific version. No big deal, just wish author(s) were honest about that before installation.”

    And I will say again – I do not apologize for being forth right about my honesty or the quality of our code which you have attempted to trash.

    You might think that I am so shallow and hungry for money that despite you calling me dishonest and trashing our work I would rush on here all sweetness and happy to offer to help you for free from the goodness of my heart.

    Sorry to disappoint but my integrity is not for sale for $39

    Fortunately there are plenty of decent people in the world to deal with and we do so every day on the wordpress forums and our own support forums.

    My only hope is that WordPress forum moderators leave this review here so that people can read it an make their own judgement.

    Thread Starter cash3p


    Yeah, okay, you win.

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