I have been testing the plugin with couple of random rss feeds passing validation:
I can see the feed preview picking up the items just fine, but those will not get imported, or shown to user.
I extracted the logs as per instructed, but it does not seem to be a whole lot there, only couple of warnings. Like said, if navigating to the admin after enabling the plugin with another browser, the admin does not load so not sure how much the log would capture anyway:
2024-05-07 07:25:20 Template "default" does not exist or could not be loaded. The default template was used instead.
2024-05-07 07:25:36 Template "default" does not exist or could not be loaded. The default template was used instead.
2024-05-07 07:25:36 Template "default" does not exist or could not be loaded. The default template was used instead.
2024-05-07 07:25:36 Template "default" does not exist or could not be loaded. The default template was used instead.
Is there some switch somewhere it increase the verbosity?
Also, the system info as requested:
“Begin System Info
Please include this information when posting support requests
Multi-site: No
SITE_URL: https://localhost:8086
HOME_URL: https://localhost:8086
Plugin Version: 4.23.8
WordPress Version: 6.5.2
Platform: Windows
Browser Name: Chrome
Browser Version:
User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
PHP Version: 8.2.18
MySQL Version: 8.0.37 (mysqli)
Web Server Info: Apache/2.4.59 (Debian)
PHP Safe Mode: No
PHP Memory Limit: 256M
PHP Post Max Size: 8M
PHP Time Limit: 30
WP_DEBUG: Enabled
WP Table Prefix: Length: 3 | Status: Acceptable
Show On Front: posts
Page On Front: #0
Page For Posts: #0
Session: Disabled
Session Name: PHPSESSID
Cookie Path: /
Save Path:
Use Cookies: On
Use Only Cookies: On
WordPress Memory Limit: 40MB
FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.
- core
- addons
- wordpress
- assets
- importer
- feed_sources
- feed_items
- feed_blacklist
- feed_display
- feed_shortcode
- feed_templates
- gutenberg_block
- images
- custom_feed
- rest_api
- tools
- tools/bulk_add
- tools/blacklist
- tools/import_export
- tools/logs
- tools/sys_info
- tools/reset
- settings
- licensing
- upsell
- logging
- i18n
- twig
- parsedown
- polylang_compat
- bf23
Breadcrumbs: 1.0
Create Block Theme: 1.13.8
Debug Bar: 1.1.4
Enable Button Icons: 0.1.0
Hello Dolly: 1.7.2
Log Deprecated Notices: 0.4.1
Query Monitor: 3.15.0
The Icon Block: 1.7.0
Theme Check: 20231220
TranslatePress – Multilingual: 2.7.2
WP RSS Aggregator: 4.23.8
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: 5.3.1
Demo Plugin: 0.1.0
Cyper-Citizen-Learning-Hub: 1.0.0
wpra/logging/enabled 1
wpra/logging/limit_days 3
wprss_db_version 16
wprss_did_intro 1
wprss_intro_feed_id 41
wprss_intro_shortcode_page 42
wprss_prev_update_page_version 4.23.8
[open_dd] => blank
[follow_dd] => no_follow
[feed_limit] => 15
[date_format] => Y-m-d
[limit_feed_items_db] => 200
[cron_interval] => fifteen_min
[styles_disable] => 0
[title_link] => 1
[title_limit] =>
[source_enable] => 1
[text_preceding_source] => Source:
[date_enable] => 1
[text_preceding_date] => Published on
[limit_feed_items_imported] => 0
[custom_feed_url] => agggregaterss
[custom_feed_limit] =>
[source_link] => 0
[video_link] => false
[limit_feed_items_age] =>
[limit_feed_items_age_unit] => days
[time_ago_format_enable] => 0
[tracking] => 0
[custom_feed_title] => Cyber Citizen Learning Hub Dev
[pagination] => default
[authors_enable] => 0
[unique_titles] => 0
[expiration_notice_period] => 2 weeks
[feed_request_useragent] =>
[certificate-path] => wp-includes/certificates/ca-bundle.crt
[limit_feed_items_per_import] =>
[feed_items_import_order] => latest
[custom_css] =>
[html_classes] =>
[feed_cache_enabled] => 0
[schedule_future_items] => 0
- Core
- Phar
- Reflection
- SimpleXML
- Zend OPcache
- apache2handler
- bcmath
- ctype
- curl
- date
- dom
- exif
- fileinfo
- filter
- gd
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- iconv
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- mysqlnd
- openssl
- pcre
- pdo_sqlite
- posix
- random
- session
- sodium
- sqlite3
- standard
- tokenizer
- xml
- xmlreader
- xmlwriter
- zip
- zlib
End System Info”