the PHP version on the site is: 8.3, I tried downgrading but the error was still there.
The template used on the website is GeneratePressVersion: 3.5.1
Also tried the Twenty Twenty-Four templateVersion: 1.2, but the display error persists in the booking administration.
Other plugins on the site were gradually deactivated and reactivated again, but no change was reflected in the booking system.
The booking plugin update update of 9/2/2024 has been installed.
In the plugin settings “Booking rules” – “Days off, vacation”
Time off and vacation settings, the following data has been set:
However, days off are not displayed in the administration, only the date and time of editing.
In addition, the previous entry is deleted.
When I enter the holiday on 16.9. and I do it in the system, so in the reservation of this customer, he will not order on this date.
If I later enter a day off on 9/23, the date of the previous day off will be freed up in the reservation for the customer, i.e. we will delete 9/16. and will remain marked free for 23.9.
Only if I enter both data at the same time will they be written correctly in the system.
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