• What is the forum software running these forums? Is it available? Also, what forum software integrates with WordPress and how so?

    Thank You.

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  • bbPress

    and on the last I’ll leave it to someone who uses them.

    When we can see a final release?

    Thread Starter samureye


    So bbpress is what we’re on now, so great. I’d like to know about any other ones that implement with WP, I’ve been looking at https://www.punbb.org as well.

    Of bbPress ? I have no idea at all. I couldn’t even hazard a guess. There is a mailing list for that though so that’s probably the best place to ask.

    Thread Starter samureye


    Anyone else with knowlege of WP and forums?

    Moderator James Huff


    Anyone else with knowlege of WP and forums?

    There certainly are. All you have to do is search, just like everyone else.


    bbpress is the forum system running this site’s support forums (this has been established)

    bbpress and wordpress mu use identical table structures(for users). I’m not sure about just plain wordpress.

    What exactly are you looking to do?

    Thread Starter samureye


    I want to say, have it that I have my wordpress blog, people refister for the forums, and only those who are registered on the foums can comment on the blog, OR that anonymous people can comment but those who are on the forums and comment have their name in the comments link to their profile in the forums. Kinda like https://www.gearlive.com, you register on the main site and it is what you use with the forums. They don’t use WP though that’s why I’m asking if it is possible. I don’t think I want to use bbPress, it seems too bare, which is funny considering I was looking for something a bit simpler than conventional forum software, but maybe punBB is what I should look into. I’ll stick around here though and see if I can get more used to the bbPress here. So if anyone can help me with what I described above, that’d be great.

    There’s one forum plugin that I know of (and use myself): https://www.xdweb.net/index.php?page=12 – it integrates fairly easily with wp, but is very feature limited compared to even punbb probably.

    Thread Starter samureye


    Is that the plugin in action at the very page linked above? It so then I’ll pass. It’s looking like to do what I want, I’ll have to go the route of pMachine, but I want to use WordPress!

    No, that’s whatever he had in place already. The one I have installed is at https://netwizardry.net/wizardry/?a=xdforum. Small private forum for a few old roleplaying friends. You can read, but not post….

    I don’t think I want to use bbPress, it seems too bare

    It can be “bare” or as elaborate as you like. The appearance is managed using a CSS style sheet.

    You could also have a look at Vanilla, it is PHP, MySQL based and is about to launch a new version (beta now) that includes themes just as WordPress does.

    Thread Starter samureye


    I tried Vanilla over at https://www.uneasyforums.com for a while. I’m not too fond, but I’m thinking I should spend some more time there. Gah, so many things!



    i got punbb installed and intergrated into my site.
    it was trail and error doing it but it looks ok. onlything to do is clean up the colors and that it.
    good information on how to install punnbb in to wordpress themes.



    Direct links are appreciated: https://www.almosteffortless.com/?p=21

    This is where the punBB/WP integration post is.

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