• Hey, Before I went ahead, and tried to make it, I was wondering if there was a forum-type plugin, so you could integrate an area into your wordpress that would allow a forum that ran off of the WP user table. If not, I was wondering what you guys would think would be the most and least important features to include. For the most part, it just has to be run like a normal forum, and run off of the WP user table. I would want it to allow any user to start a thread, and allow users to edit their posts. I was trying to think of a way to integrate bbPress, but maybe thats too early.

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  • Had to take it down for now, it interefered with another plug-in I just installed. FYI…

    2 things, one: you have to make your theme directory writable by the webserver, OR copy the xdforum template file into it.
    two: what plugin and what was it doing? i need to make sure it doesnt cause things to not work…

    Hey Kris,

    I installed the update you posted a couple days ago, and I still get the same error…the double /blog/thing. In my case, its in the /sr4/ dir. off my root dir. And, it’s only for the admin functions. Is it possible you might allow the admin section, or the setup function to allow the blog owner to put the path in to the root dir for xdforum?

    Thanks…keep up the good work….it still looks promising.

    Cutom Smileys 1.0 https://lazyanduseless.belike.net/wp/?p=31
    I installed the Custom Smileys and it runs great, except when I try to activate your forum plugin again, Your admin panel takes over Cusotm Smileys admin panel.

    I love your forum and want it to work for me :)!

    I will try your suggestions.

    is there a vbulletin integration plugin for wordpress?

    That BBPress, how do I install it correctly?

    What do I need to change in the bb-config.php file?

    Is there anyone else using this plugin?

    I keep getting this answer all the time:

    Error establishing a database connection
    This either means that the username and password information in your bb-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
    Are you sure that the database server is running?

    ok, I was the one with the problem. Something I was doing was causing the double paths, but I fixed it now. https://www.xdweb.net/files/xdforum.zip
    depending on how long ago you got it you may have to drop the tables in the db that it created. I will probably make a feature that will do it for you soon, just haven’t yet.

    Hello All I hope this is the right area to post a question. I recently downloaded the latest sitemap wordpress plugin v2.7, uploaded it to the plugins folder on the server, and activated the sitemap feature in wordpress. When I hit the “Build Sitemap” button in WordPress I get the following error message:

    Could not write into /home/(my password)/public_html/sitemap.xml

    Could not write into /home/(my password)/public_html/sitemap.xml.gz

    Any ideas on what may be wrong?


    hmm, i have no idea why it would interfere with that darcie. my plugin makes the call to add its link to the management links page in the same way any other plugin would, and doesn’t do anything that would block another from it as well. maybe, install custom smileys and get it working the way you want so you don’t have to go into the admin panel anymore, then install xdforum and use it. i cant see you needing to configure custom smileys often, just the first time. if i get time i will investigate and see why this might be happening…

    update: i fixed a problem where people were unable to post due to the post variables not making it to the page. go to https://www.xdweb.net for more details.

    xavic, what’s the security “level” on this? Is it the same approximate security stuff as wp uses, since it’s a plugin? Is it more secure than phpBB, say?

    I’m a newbie…..with so many posts and replies, I’m confused and I’d appreciate some clear and concise help.
    I need to build a portal where users can register and then submit their film scripts (or story outlines), which should then be tagged (similar to del.icio.us or 43things.com). How do I use WordPress for that and with what plugins for submission, rating and tagging?
    thank you WP Gods !

    xavic, i’m going to have a stab at using your plugin, but before i do, whether i go with it or not, i just wanted to say THANKS for putting in the energy to make something happen, instead of just whining about things the way the rest of us do.

    +5 for you.


    no problem man, although i think that it’s probably easier for me then most because i do php development for a living (day in and out). also, download the latest version (which i just uploaded a minute and a half ago) to work with.

    I’m giving it a test…. On one of the fora I run, I’m to the point that phpBB is overkill, so yours would seem ideal in that situation.

    It’s displaying quite nicely in both Classic and one of my own two column/left nav themes, but totally borked in my 3 column or 4 column themes. Have to play with that! Thanks for this, and if you could answer my question above about security?

    Um. And I seem to be a complete idiot today…. HOW does one actually post? What simple thing am I missing?

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