Forntend user 2fa settings close button
There is a “X” button on the frontend 2fa settings popup which is not working. If you click “Cancel” the popup just closes, but if I click the “X” button it asks something about changes being lost and nomatter if a click “yes” or “no” – nothing happens anyway.
A few side notes about the “premium” :
1. The pricing is ridiculous. We have many users (like >13000), but still we are a really small earning business as our clients visit us (and pay) rarely, like once or twice per year. So, this doesn’t mean they should not be offered such functionality non the less. The price itself is absolutely crazy even for 50 users – 7$ per user per year for just and only local 2fa without any kind of additional resource involvement from your side like some cloud services or any other is … well … as I said – ridiculous. Like if we earn about 40-50$ per year from a user, we should pay 7 of them for 2fa … no offence and excuse my french, but forget it. I strongly doubt there is a site on this world with only 50 users or less and also – there is a site on this world willing to pay 7$ per user for such software (not calling it service as it is not). It would be an acceptable price if it was about 0.007$ (point seven cents) per user per year, although payment plans “per user” for such functionality is a nonsense as a start.2. When you call a feature “premium” make sure it is. “Trusted devices” is not even close to premium – it an absolute total must for any 2FA functionality, as well as the option to switch the available 2FA methods on the fly on login and not only through settings which is cumbersome solution to say the least. So if you think someone should pay for “trusted devices” you better just stop offering a free version at all.
Don’t get me wrong – you plugin is one of the best 2FA plugin I tried (and I tried most of them) despite it’s shortcomings (like the lacking trusted devices in previous versions) and we would pay for extended functionality. We would even pay if there is no free version at all, but let’s be reasonable – 50$-60$ per year for one installation without ANY user counting would be ok, more than that – not at all. You don’t have to support any servers or cloud instances or SMS services or whatever that could justify “per user” payments, so get real about it. I don’t know about others, but as it stands now – if the free version is ok for us – we would keep using it, otherwise we will simply look elsewhere. We could even go developing our own – it will be much much cheaper in the long run with your current pricing.
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