Hi @quietconnections,
Let me know if I am understanding you correctly.
The original form you created was AJAX. When a user subscribed, the details were added to the MailChimp.com list but the user was not redirected to the Google Drive document.
Then you turned off AJAX, so now it’s a non-AJAX form, and the details were added to the MailChimp.com list and the user was redirected to the Google Drive document.
Is that correct?
When I subscribed just now (real email) via the AJAX form, I was added to your list but I was not redirected (although I think this is because redirects aren’t setup for the test form). When I subscribed again (same email) to the non-AJAX form, I was redirected to the Google Drive document.
So the issue is that the AJAX forms aren’t redirecting properly after a successful submission. Is that correct?
Sorry about the confusion!