• Hi,

    Until recently there weren’t any issues. Suddenly I have noticed that some of the forms in my website (not all of them) stopped appearing. They are loaded as shortcode. When I clear the litespeed cache, they appear again, and after a few hours.. gone. That’s BS honestly how can you rely on a plugin whose forms dissapear all the sudden?

    I have enabled “load with Ajax” but I’m not going to enable “donotcache the page”, I need to cache the page, what’s the sense otherwise? I never had this issue before so stop answering users to enable “donotcache this page” because that’s not the solution.

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  • Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    Sorry to hear you are having this issue.

    Could you please let us know any form URL that is having issues and we can take a closer look at the page source code?

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    Thank you.

    I don’t see any JavaScript issue that could cause problems on Form loading, the Load From Ajax will prevent caching issues too so the “Do not this page” is not necessary to be enabled.

    In the LiteSpeed caching plugin can you verify if you had enabled the ESI ? https://blog.litespeedtech.com/2020/07/08/cache-wordpress-nonces/

    Also, add forminator_nonce in the exclusion box, we got some cases that prevented some caching issues.

    However, I suggest keeping eyes on those pages after the Load From Ajax, it should prevent the issue already but in case it returns please let us know before clearing the cache and we can verify the page for any JS conflict or different problem.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter noxerr


    as I mentioned in the first post, the issue appears even with the load from ajax.
    I don’t have ESI enabled because I’m checking from devices where I’m not logged in. What’s the sense of ESI? Moreover, I insist that I want the page cached, while still showing the form. THe form is now visible as I mentioned because I reseted the cache 10 times, the 3rd time today already

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    Thank you for the information.

    What’s the sense of ESI?,

    This was a suggestion from the LiteSpeed support for one of the users that were having issues with LiteSpeed, so would be worth a try.

    I am afraid we need to replicate the issue in order to verify more on why it is happening.

    A not loading form can happen due to different reasons, it is not possible to find out more without being able to replicate or check when the problem is happening.

    Usually, it is related to optimization plugin modifying the jQuery flow and it would return a JavaScript error, or, the plugin preventing the Forminator scripts to remove the “Display None” property.

    The fix on those cases is to exclude jQuery and Forminator scripts from optimization, however, as I told you, it is hard to say for sure it is the problem without checking the issue when it is happening.

    I checked the reported bugs but couldn’t find a similar case this is why I asked you to let us know when the issue happens again so we can check the source page to verify if the problem is happening on JavaScript or Ajax requests.

    Could you also export your form and share using Pastebin https://pastebin.com/ https://wpmudev.com/docs/wpmu-dev-plugins/forminator/#import-export ?

    We will run a couple of tests to try to replicate it too.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    Thank you, it seems I was writing my reply when you posted a new one too.

    I was able to see the problem and I can confirm it is not a JS error, but the problem is related to the Form not rendering all the necessary HTML:


    I pinged our developers to verify why it is happening.

    We will keep you posted.
    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter noxerr


    but does it mean I cannot refresh the cache until the developers check it? so basically I have to keep the form from working?

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    No, you can refresh the cache yes.

    This form is set to enable by Ajax too correct?

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr

    Just to confirm

    After enabling the Load from Ajax, had you flushed the caches too?

    Because when enabling the option we need to refresh the HTML so it is important to clear all caches.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter noxerr


    the form was with the enabled “load from Ajax” for monthes, this issue started happening recently. Everytime I flush the cache it fixes the issue for a few hours

    Plugin Support Nebu John – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noxerr,

    I see that you are using Elementor on this site. Our developers recently fixed an issue with Forminator not loading in Elementor, and I hope that will resolve the problem you are noticing. The fix is expected to be released with the next update very soon.

    Kind Regards,
    Nebu John

    Thread Starter noxerr


    the thing is that it actually loads in elementor, it breaks after some hours after cleaning the cache. Moreover, not all the forms from the website break…

    Thread Starter noxerr


    Moreover, couldn’t it be that the form gets cached as “not display” after submiting? I mean, the form is setup to hide and display a message after someone submits it. Considering it takes some hours to be gone, couldn’t it be that someone submits the form and after some minutes it gets cached as gone?
    In any case, I’ve tried with the ESI blocks, I’ve had always Load with Ajax on, I’ve tried everything what made sense trying but still this error is happening.

    Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi all.

    Version 1.15.9, which will be the next update, should contain a fix and from what I checked with Forminator Team, plans for 1.15.9 is tomorrow.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter noxerr


    updated. Let’s see if it doesn’t fail anymore. Thanks!

    Thread Starter noxerr


    Same.. forms are gone again.. this time it took 1 day but they are gone and i have to refresh cache again

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