• Resolved dragoscristian



    I am trying to optimize my website and I am seeing that from over 30 plugins, there is only one that slows my website down significantly…and that is forminator.

    Specifically this query: UPDATE wp_options that

    1. takes a long time
    2. is present on most pages, even if they have no form on

    Is there a way to change this behavior? Or at least not run on every page for no reason?

    It’s really slowing down the website.. I mean forminator mostly has just 2 queries (7 on pages where it’s present), but it’s responsible for more query time than all the other plugins COMBINED

    Any tips are appreciated!


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  • Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @dragoscristian

    I hope you’re well today!

    We are aware of some specific cases with Forminator scripts affecting performance and there’s a fix already being worked on but it’s related to JS scripts that the plugin uses.

    Here we seem to be dealing with something different so I did some testing on my test setups but I couldn’t replicate any such issues.

    There is an UPDATE db query happening from time to time, indeed, even on pages that don’t contain forms but it’s related specifically to submissions export schedule. It’s just setting up cron schedule and

    – shouldn’t be taking much time
    – definitely shouldn’t be happening upon each and every page load

    I think there’s something more involved then. Are you using standard WP CRON (as in default configuration) or is your site set to use server/real cron instead?

    Also, could you please use this free plugin


    on site to check if there are any “stalled”/overdue cron events?

    Once you install the plugin, you’ll see that on “Tools -> Cron Events” page so let us know if there are such events, please, and if yes – what are they.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter dragoscristian


    Hi Adam!

    Thank you for your message, I am only now getting to it…

    It is not really happening on EVERY page load, but definitely on over 50% of them. To put things in perspective with real numbers…for every page load, all DB queries take about 0.25-0.39s – of which 0.18-0.25s is the theme (yes I know, slow theme), and the rest – so 0.08 to 0.14s all plugins and the core (roughly 0.02s). This forminator update db query takes 0.05-0.08s… on over 50% of page loads….

    To your question: I am using the standard WP Cron

    I already had the WP Crontrol and there are no stalled or overdue cron events…

    Let me know what you might need to further debug this,

    Thank you!


    Thread Starter dragoscristian


    Just a little bit of further investigation:

    forminator_send_export seems to be running on all page loads…. – even if it only appears in Cron Events when loading a page and is “non-repeating”

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @dragoscristian

    Thank you for the update.

    I tried to replicate the issue on my website but it worked fine.

    Can you confirm for any Forminator > Submission > Export and confirm if you have and how may Scheduled Exports configured?


    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Thread Starter dragoscristian


    Hi @wpmudevsupport12 ,

    I have in total 5 Forms, 0 Polls and 0 Quizzes

    And no Scheduled Exports…..


    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @dragoscristian

    Could you please send me an email to [email protected] using this template:

    Subject: “Attn: Patrick Freitas”

    Message: link back to this thread for reference

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

    Plugin Support Patrick – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @dragoscristian

    I hope you are doing well and safe!

    We haven’t heard from you in a while, I’ll mark this thread as resolved.

    Feel free to let us know if you have any additional question or problem.

    Best Regards
    Patrick Freitas

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