Hi @broadsighted
I hope you’re well today!
You can use combination of additional HTML fields and custom visibility rules for that.
Let me describe example for the name field, let’s say it’s “name-1” field:
1. add a HTML field directly below or above that name field
2. put your error message in the HTML field
3. set “Visiblity” rule for that HTML field as follows
“Show this field if all of the following rules match”
and add condition
Field: name-1 (choose your name field to be checked here)
Condition: Contains
Value: @
4. apply changes
5 now click on the “Submit” fiedl and switch to its “Visibility” settings
6. set rule as follows:
Hide this field if Any of the following rules match
and add condition
Field: name-1 (again, select your name fiedl)
Condition: contains
Value: @
7. apply changes, update the form
And that’s it. If you put @ character in name fiedl the HTML field will become visible showing your custom error message and “Submit” button will get hidden, making it impossible to submit the form.
You can do the same with other fields on the form.
I also created an example form for you so you could see how it works. You’ll find it here
so you can import it to your site, test and see how it’s configured exactly.
Best regards,