You need to increase your PHP/WP memory limit.
The CSS file is spitting out a memory error, saying that it’s exceeding the 40MB allocated.
You might want to use a plugin like WP-Memory-Usage to dig deeper. Using a plugin ensures that it sees the free amount of memory that WP does. Link:
I’d recommend having at least 20MB free overhead, from your average reported value, to ensure that all sorts of background processes will run. I’d guess this would mean at least 64MB, or more (eg: 80MB or event 96MB). PHP >5.2.1’s default is now 128MB, but many webhosting companies reduce the memory limit so they can fit more sites on each webserver machine.
Note: You can set memory limits in php.ini, .htaccess and wp-config.php – If you set it in wp-config.php, make sure to put the memory limit statement ABOVE the mysql authentication credentials, as this is guaranteed to set the limit correctly.