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  • Plugin Author AA Web Servant


    Hey there! I definitely see that there’s an issue, it seems not to be able to find any of its assets. When I open the browser console, there are a lot of calls to resources like:

    Which is incorrect. It should be:

    Is there something different about how this WP is set up? The plugin uses the plugin_dir_url(__DIR__ . ‘/../css’) . ‘/css/archive-meetings.min.css’) to generate the path above, and it works most places but not here for some reason.

    Feel free also to email [email protected] if that’s easier for you than posting here.

    – Josh

    Thread Starter oahucentraloffice


    Thanks. I’ll look into it. As for ‘is there something different about how this WP is set up?.” Well I didn’t set it up, I’ve kind of been drafted into maintaining it for a short period while the office was being restructered. The host is GoDaddy and I’m not really familiar with their hosting and defaults. I’m usually on more do-it-yourself hosts. ??

    Thanks for taking a look and I’ll report back if I can change those paths.

    I was actually going to suggest moving to a different host and this might be the opportunity I need. ??

    I’ll post back on any resolution and then close the topic.


    Plugin Author AA Web Servant


    I’d be happy to take a look at the child theme, my bet is the issue is in there. If you want, ZIP it up and email to the address above.

    Plugin Author AA Web Servant


    Actually, if you want, here’s something to try. Try editing the file functions.php inside the plugin, it should be at


    Try replacing lines 10-21 with the following:

    if ($context == ‘public’) {
    wp_enqueue_style(‘bootstrap_css’, plugins_url(‘../css/bootstrap.min.css’, __FILE__));
    wp_enqueue_script(‘bootstrap_js’, plugins_url(‘../js/bootstrap.min.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’), ”, true);
    wp_enqueue_script(‘tsml_public_js’, plugins_url(‘../js/archive-meetings.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’), ”, true);
    wp_localize_script(‘tsml_public_js’, ‘myAjax’, array(‘ajaxurl’ => admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’)));
    wp_enqueue_style(‘tsml_public_css’, plugins_url(‘../css/archive-meetings.min.css’, __FILE__));
    } elseif ($context == ‘admin’) {
    wp_enqueue_style(‘tsml_admin_style’, plugins_url(‘../css/admin.min.css’, __FILE__));
    wp_enqueue_script(‘tsml_admin_js’, plugins_url(‘../js/admin_edit.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’), ”, true);
    wp_localize_script(‘tsml_admin_js’, ‘myAjax’, array(‘ajaxurl’=>admin_url(‘admin-ajax.php’)));
    wp_enqueue_script(‘typeahead_js’, plugins_url(‘../js/typeahead.bundle.js’, __FILE__), array(‘jquery’), ”, true);

    I’d push this out as an update now, but there are some other fixes that are mid-process. But if it works, I’ll make sure it’s in the next round of updates.

    Thread Starter oahucentraloffice


    Thanks to Josh the problem has been solved, in what amounts to record time for WP plugins I think.

    The problems I was having seemed to be pretty specific to the 2014 theme which is currently used on our site. There may also be a problem with installing the plugin through WP’s ‘Add New’ plugin method

    The first problem was that resources files weren’t being located after installation so that the plugin wasn’t really running at all.

    Josh made the suggest noted above of modifying the contents plugin specific functions.php (which may be incorporated into the next release).

    I did this with my initial install, but it still ll didn’t work. I then decided to remove the plugin completely and install it manually. I did incorporate the edits to the function.php file then installed the plugin manually.

    This allowed the plugin to function properly, however because of the left sidebar it wasn’t displaying properly. The widgets were not present, which is correct, but 2014 has the text area moved to the right and a large left border which was a problem.

    I was able to remove this site-wide, but that’s not really a solution.

    Josh was nice enough to find the correct changes in the CSS to remove it only on meetings pages.

    Here’s what Josh suggested and I put into my child-theme’s style.css:

    Just add this to your CSS:

    #page::before { display: none; }

    But while you’re at it, might as well take the borders off the table:

    #meetings table { border: 0; }
    #meetings table td, #meetings table th { border-right: 0; }

    All in all it now works like charm.

    1. Install manually after changing functions.php (at least till next release)
    2. Add code to child theme’s style.css


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