Hi @bitmapbulgaria ,
Thank you for trying out WPVR.
Now, as I can guess you’ve had 2 possible issues with the images.
-> The images are losing quality.
-> The images are looking way too stretched or squeezed.
Now, for the first case, it’s pretty easy to solve, you just have to follow this short guide: https://rextheme.com/docs/wp-vr-disable-wordpress-large-image-handler/
For the second one(most possible for your case), it could happen when you’re using partial panoramas or panoramas taken with any mobile phone.
You see, any panorama taken with a mobile phone, is not a full 360 degree panorama. And since the plugin is designed to work with full 360 degree images, it’s squeezing and stretching the partial panoramas.
Now, we have a solution for this, but that’s available in the pro version. If you want to know more about it, you have to contact our website.
And if you want to try out the plugin with 360 degree images, here you can find some free ones: https://pixexid.com/search/360%20panorama
You can download these images for free and try them on our plugin.
It should work.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help.