• I’m sorry for being a super noob, but I’ve been searching forums and stuff for a couple hours and can’t seem to figure out how to format the posts of my home page. All I want is to display an image (if any) and text surrounding that image. Or if there’s a video, place that on the home page. I’ve been looking at the Loop and I’ve looked at some plugins but can’t get what I”m looking for. Im wondering if anyone has a solution.

    Please help!!

    Oh, btw Im using a PageLines theme.

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  • G’day, I’m just a tad away from being a noob, but i think I can help.
    Use an html editor like Kompozer (a freebie) create a table about 600 to 700 px wide, copy & paste your text, then insert your images.
    You can resize them, insert them so that they allow the text to flow to the left or right. Copy the source code, then paste it into the WP editor, make sure that you have html selected.
    Then you’ll have to upload your images to WP, where you can copy the html code which tells WP where to find each image, then replace the original code in the source code from Kompozer.
    I hope I’ve made it clear

    Thread Starter programmatic


    I need to be able to format the posts no matter what order they put the content in. I need to be able to format the posts on the home page no matter what format I post the content. Am I being clear? Like, I have 150 posts, and I want the latest 5 that are retrieved for the front page to always look like this.

    Ok first thing we would need to know is what theme you are using, does it support thumbnails etc: and if possible a link to the website.

    Is the front page just index.php, home.php, front_page.php or a page setup in settings?

    You are correct on it being in the loop, but different themes have different output.

    Theme name is a good start, or paste the loop code, from index.php or loop.php or content.php to https://pastebin.com, and the link back here.

    Here is a loop for twenty eleven, so you can see what I mean about the themes.

    This is the bit that outputs the thumbnail and excerpt.

    <div class="entry-summary">
       <?php if( has_post_thumbnail()) : ?>
          <div class="alignleft" style="margin-right: 1em;">
             <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    </div><!-- .entry-summary -->



    Thread Starter programmatic


    Ok thanks for the response Digital. I looked at index.php and it’s just requiring a file called wp-blog-[something]. Then I look at that file, and it’s a whole bunch of other ‘requires’ and it just gets bigger and bigger. I couldn’t even find the loop to be honest. I looked for frontpage.php and couldnt find it. I’m using Pagelines Platform 1.3.5.

    Maybe for a framework the best place would be on their forums, it might be a drag and drop or an options settings somewhere.



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