• The email sent from BuddyPress, when a user posts a message to a group, goes out to all the group members. That works. However, all formatting ( line ends, spaces ) gets stripped out. The result for multi_line messages is that everything is jammed together and makes for difficult reading and understanding. The site is restricted to users who are residents of a particular community. Signups are not allowed. I add and delete users manually. This is a closed community not open to the public. People do send messages about property problems or items for sale. I also use WP Mail SMTP Pro together with Google Gmail mailer. I do not use any mail theme plugins. It makes my continued use of Buddypress problematic.

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  • Did you find a solution? I was using on a Buddyboss site with it working as expected. Then I installed on a BuddyPress site and find the same issue you are having

    Thread Starter orientsee


    Sorry. No suggestions. I was beginning to think that I was the only one to have this problem. The text message cannot be formatted into any form that is reasonably easy to read. It’s just all jammed up. There are spaces and punctuation but no line or paragraph spacing. The result is that on our website no one uses any of the messaging. It’s sad.

    A hack I played with was to edit the html2text.php and add this on line 35
    return $html;

    Simply ignore the function and return the html without stripping it. It would be nice to be able to format the emails better.

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Are the emails sent using the BuddyPress email template that uses an HTML header/footer? Or is the email sent entirely in plaintext?

    How are users posting messages to the group? Is it via the activity stream (“What’s new…”) or is it via bbPress discussion forum posts?

    @boonebgorges thank you for the reply. They are not sent with header/footer. Just plain text.

    User is posting to the group activity stream.

    @boonebgorges I found some of your old advice and looks like BP Better messages was causing a conflict. I have a new issue though as it looks like two ‘TO’ headers are being set. I’ll investigate but if you have any thoughts…

    This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
    recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
      [email protected]
        host outbound.mailspamprotection.com []
        SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
        550 Messages should have one or no To headers, not 2.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Mike Cameron Community <[email protected]>
    To: Frank Mohavalich <[email protected]>,Frank Mohavalich <[email protected]>

    also the group name and the user who posted are blank in the rest of that bounced email

    Hi Frank Mohavalich,
    posted an update in the group:
    test email

    Update for anyone else. I am still having issues with double up of TO header. Though it looks like the culprit for non html was using the catchall email plugin on my staging site. Still struggling with the double To headers

    Plugin Author Boone Gorges


    Thanks for following up.

    Emails will be sent in plaintext if plugins are overriding wp_mail(). It sounds like you were able to track down the offending plugin in this case.

    I have not heard of the problem with multiple ‘To’ headers. I’m guessing this is another plugin conflict. Are you experiencing the same thing with other emails? Test with BP emails (like the notification when you send a friend request or a private message to another user), and with WP emails (like password-reset emails).

    I am not getting the multiple TO headers with other notifications. However this morning I woke up to a few users asking me about the test emails from staging. LOL. Most were properly formatted.

    I will keep testing and will post back for future searchers if I find anything definitive. Thank you again for your contribution. I will be making a donation to the plugin. ??

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