• Resolved turkspartan


    Hello guys. I have been stuck on this over 2 weeks.

    If you go to my site at https://abautoglass.net/contact-us/

    there is a form. On PC, I can select year, make, model, and trim just fine. IF I try this on mobile device, I select year, then make. BUT when it comes to selecting model, it starts to show models for ALL cars and not the one I specified….

    Please please please help if you can :'(

    Here is the javascript that goes with it in the footer.
    PS: I think its because it gets make and model at the same time.

    	var protoCall = "https://";
    	var host = "api.edmunds.com";
        // Make sure to change the API KEY
    	var apiKey = "kdrpch68q5kmjrb42nmne562";
    	var fmt = "json";
    	var standardParams = "&fmt=" + fmt +  "&api_key=" + apiKey + "&callback=?";
    	var $yearSelect = jQuery('#ajYears');
    	var $makeSelect = jQuery('#ajMakes');
    	var $modelSelect = jQuery('#ajModels');
    	var $styleSelect = jQuery('#ajStyles');
    	// lets bind some events on document.ready.
    		$yearSelect.on('change', function() { getMakeModelsByYear()});
    		$makeSelect.on('change', function() { enableModelDropdown() });
    		$modelSelect.on('change', function() { getStyles() });
    		// lets build the year drop down.
    	// method to build the year drop down.
    	function ajEdmundsBuildYear()
    		var baseYear = 1990,
    			endYear = new Date().getFullYear();
    		$yearSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Year</option>');
    		for(var yyyy=baseYear; yyyy<=endYear; yyyy++)
    			$yearSelect.append('<option value="' + yyyy + '">' + yyyy +'</option>');
    	// get the makes and models for a year in one go...
    	function getMakeModelsByYear()
    		var year = $yearSelect.val(),
    			endPoint = "/api/vehicle/v2/makes",
    			view = "basic",
    			options = "year=" + year + "&view=" + view + standardParams,
    			postURL = protoCall + host + endPoint + "?" + options;
    			function(data) {
    				 // clear the make drop down... re add the first option... remove dsiabled attr.
                     $makeSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Make</option>');
                     $modelSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Model</option>'); 
                     // loop the makes... each make contains model... add the make in make drop down and models in model dd
                     jQuery.each(data.makes, function(i, val) {
                          make = data.makes[i];
                          $makeSelect.append('<option value="' + make.niceName + '">' + make.name + '</option>');
                          jQuery.each(make.models, function(x, val){
                               model = make.models[x];
                               $modelSelect.append('<option make="' + make.niceName +'" value="' + model.niceName + '">' + model.name + '</option>');
    	// since we already grabed the models...
    	// now just matter of showing only the matching models for a make.
    	function enableModelDropdown()
    		var make = 	$makeSelect.val();
    		$modelSelect.find('option[make=' + make + ']').show();
    	// grab the styles... pretty much same as
    	// getMakeModelsByYear()
    	function getStyles()
    		var year = $yearSelect.val(),
    			make = $makeSelect.val(),
    			model = $modelSelect.val(),
    			endPoint = "/api/vehicle/v2/" + make + "/" + model + "/" + year + "/styles",
    			view = "basic",
    			options = "view=" + view + standardParams,
    			postURL = protoCall + host + endPoint + "?" +  options;
    			function(data) {
                     $styleSelect.append('<option value="-1">Select Style</option>');
                     jQuery.each(data.styles, function(i, val) {
                          style = data.styles[i];
                          $styleSelect.append("<option value='" + style.id + "'>" + style.name + "</option>");
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