• I have been struggling with this error since last 2-3 days. Have checked by putting the ‘Form’ folder from hosting root/WP root to approximately every folder but the page is unable to find the form page. The error I’m getting is
    “Form Template not found. form/.html”

    My form is inside a “form” folder and setting points to ‘Form’ folder.. Design template is inside default ‘Template’ folder which comes with the plugin.

    Please help me in deciding where should I put my forms and templates to let it work correctly.

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  • Anonymous User 17720058


    1. In the plugin settings you need to set up where the forms are compared to the WordPress main folder. (Eg: demo/forms) This is a folder where there are several forms.
    2. When you enter Shortcode, you must specify which form from the folder you set up. (Eg: [form-to-pdf form=”sample”] )
    You will then try to load the demo/forms/sample.html file.

    I was struggling with this for a while too. I found that with all settings default, you can simply create a folder called “form” in your base installation directory and drop all of your templates in there, following the naming conventions from the documentation provided on the developer’s website

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