I see the Google reCAPTCHA settings are not setup.
If you are using the WP Prayer, you have the option to set up an “I’m not a robot” check box to ensure everyone who signs up on your list is a real person. You need to have a Google account to use Google reCAPTCHA. If you do not have one, sign up for one, it is free. Make sure you have WordPress version 4.0.0+ or the supported PHP version 5.4+.
To use Google reCAPTCHA:
1. Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin and log into your Google account.
2. Select reCAPTCHA v2.
3. Enter your website domain. If you have multiple domains, add each one on their own line. Check off that you accept the terms of service, then click Register.
4. Now you will be on the API key page. Copy the Site key and Secret key. You might want to have 2 browser windows open so you can copy and paste each key easily.
5. Paste them into the matching fields here: WP Prayer > Settings, scroll down to the Google reCAPTCHA. Click Save.
6. Your Prayer request form will have the reCAPTCHA checkbox at the bottom.
Thank you and God bless.