• Resolved Andris



    I think I discovered an issue between your eWay Gravity Forms plugin 1.5.5 and the latest version of GF 1.7.7….

    If conditional logic is being used in a form, with your plugin activated the form will not show.

    Description of problem:
    I believe that in file class.GFEwayPlugin.php on line 96 the plugin is registering jquery-ui/ui.datepicker.js which in the latest Gravity Forms is already registered in the header. Registering this twice causes the from to break.

    Solution: I uncommented that line and all working fine.


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  • Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Andris,

    I just released 1.5.6, please give it a burl. FYI, I’ve moved that code across to class.GFEwayRecurringField.php method registerScripts() since it’s all related to that custom field.


    Thread Starter Andris


    Hey Ross. Uploaded 1.5.6 and now the date picker calendar (which should normally be a pop up) is now appearing in the footer?!

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Andris,

    Sounds like a CSS issue. Do you have Gravity Forms set to output CSS? If you switch to a twenty* theme, does it fix it?


    Thread Starter Andris


    Happens with TwentyThirteen and GF CSS is on and in no-conflict mode.

    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Andris,

    I’m not seeing any problems in either TwentyThirteen or TwentyTwelve, with GF no-conflict mode on or off. Is it possible you have a plugin loading some CSS or non-compliant jQuery that could be messing things up? Are you able to send me a link to your website? (via contact page if you prefer not to publicise it)


    Thread Starter Andris


    It’s OzChild donate but the dev version I tried v1.5.6 on is on my local server.

    Plugin Author webaware


    I can’t see anything specifically there. Can you please export the form as XML and email to me? My email address is on my contact page.


    Plugin Author webaware


    G’day Andris,

    Just noticed that when the start/end and initial date fields for recurring payments are hidden, I get that jQuery UI datepicker at the bottom of the screen. I have a fix, will be releasing it tonight.


    Thread Starter Andris


    Well done Ross! Thanks.

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