• Resolved zipzit


    The Form-Maker plugin includes a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file for jQuery-UI-Spinner Unfortunately all the images called out in that CSS file are not present in the CSS/images folder. So you get an error for missing files when troubleshooting your web page. The files are easy enough to find.

    Would you consider it appropriate to check your CSS files and include the referenced images when you send out the plug-in? I paid good money for this plugin, would hope I don’t have to search the internet for incomplete content?

    Specific error: "NetworkError: 404 Not Found - https://___________.com/wp-content/plugins/form-maker/css/images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png"
    Error pops whenever I use a jQuery datepicker on my site.


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  • Plugin Contributor webdorado


    Dear zipzit,

    Can you please give us a link to your form page ?

    Thread Starter zipzit


    Oops. I never said this was a problem on my “form maker” form page. What I am saying is, because you were less than careful in creating your plugin, anybody else who uses jQuery datepicker elsewhere on their site is out of luck. What’s the issue? You’ve added only a partial implementation of the addition of jquery-ui-spinner.css . In that file I count 13 referenced images used by that library. You’ve included only nine images in your plug in. You missed four images! And that means anybody who uses jQuery datepicker will receive a back end 404 error.

    Now hold on, why would anybody use datepicker without using Form-Maker? Form-maker is a great tool that creates forms using html tables, but those are just not responsive enough for a cell phone. I have a simple form submit element that is short and very wide on a desktop, but narrow and tall on a cell phone. See images below. When I created that element I initially got the 404 errors. (Note: I’ve since found the images online and corrected my site.. recommend that you do the same to protect ALL your customers.)

    Desktop view:

    Same exact element displayed on a cell phone.

    (Hint, perhaps there is a market for you… a truly responsive form tool, one that works without html tables… Or heck maybe I should just write the plugin. What do you think? )

    Plugin Contributor webdorado


    Dear zipzit,

    Thank you for informing us about the issue you have noticed. We will surely fix it in future updates.
    The responsive version of Form Maker will be available in a month.

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