• Hi Guys,
    Great plugin – thanks. Having a problem and hope you can help. When I view a form that’s been submitted via Caldera Forms, the information that’s been submitted appears twice. Two of everything. I don’t know if this is happening on the email that is sent to the owner of the website when a form is submitted. This is a problem I haven’t seen before with Caldera Forms. Any ideas please (Note – I searched the forums, but couldn’t see anything relevant).
    Thanks Guys.
    WEBinate – Web Design Studio


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  • I have the same issue, did you get a fix @webinate

    Hi webinate & CosyDan6.,

    As a default caldera will send a default autoresponder if nothing is set, you must changes them or deleted the default autoresponder if you don’t want to use it.

    As for mailer it function is just for notification to you, and you can disable it as well as autoresponder if you want.

    And for notification for customer we can use thank you message or url redirection, hope that help thank you

    Thank you Message,

    Hi %full_name%,
    Thank you for your interested in our product, as we don’t send any email to customer, so please write down the information data below :

    Price. %slug_a%
    Tax. %tax%
    Full Payment. %total%

    Please send your payment to below listed bank account, and please don’t send your payment to any other bank account that not listed, if so we don’t take any responsibility of that.

    Bank 1

    Bank 2

    Billing Support

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