• Howdy!

    I′ve made a plugin where a loop returns some objects to a page or post, user can put it anywhere with a shortcode.

    It is possible to vote on each of these objects, I′ve put a little form in with a submit button and a value. This is the <form>-part of the loop:

    $poll_sel_output .= "<form action=\"";
    	 $poll_sel_output .= str_replace( '%7E', '~', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    	   $poll_sel_output .= "\" method=\"post\">";
    	   $poll_sel_output .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"object_id\" value=\"";
    	    $poll_sel_output .= $poll_sel_item->id;
    	   $poll_sel_output .= "\">";
    	   $poll_sel_output .="<input type=\"submit\" name=\"vote_this\" value=\"+\">";
    	   $poll_sel_output .= "</form>";

    In the same file, the main plugin file for what it′s worth, the update is done:

    $current_object_id = $_POST['object_id'];
        $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "vote_objects";
    				       value => value+1
    				 array('id' => $current_object_id ),

    The vote system actually works, the correct value gets updated, however, you can only vote for one object once. Is this because I already voted from my computer/IP or is there another reason?


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  • Wouldn’t you want $wpdb->insert() and not $wpdb->update() ? The latter updates existing records. Since you want to count multiple votes per user, you’ll need to store multiple records by inserting a new record for each vote.


    You might also want to check to make sure your “user id” column in your table isn’t a primary or unique index; otherwise, it would prevent multiple rows from being inserted for that key.

    Lastly, as a totally unrelated suggestion: If you’re building a common poling system like “Which candidate would you vote for? A, B, C, or D”, you might want to consider using AJAX to submit the data instead of a standard HTML form submit. The reason for this is because poles are usually secondary / optional items on a page and don’t warrant a complete reloading of the page. It’s far less frustrating for a user when you can vote and see the results without having to wait for the entire page to reload. Just a thought.

    Thread Starter smileX


    Hey, thanks for helping me out!

    I agree with you regarding the page reloading, but I don′t know any AJAX at all at this point.

    About the insert method instead of update, if I use insert it inserts a new value, it inserts a new row in the table, instead of updating the existing. Any solution for this?


    I must admit that, while I’ve spent years working with SQL professionally, I haven’t spend a lot of time working with WordPress’s database manipulation functions. The reason for this is because I haven’t found a need for custom tables in any of my WordPress project so far. Usually the built-in tables or the Settings API provide all I need.

    That said, what you’re in need of is generally referred to as a conditional insert in SQL lingo. You would write the statement with INSERT INTO… WHERE NOT EXISTS…

    You might want to do a search for “wordpress conditional insert”, but I wasn’t able to find anything useful on the subject (at first glance anyway).

    If there isn’t a built-in method to $wpdb->insert(), then you would have to try one of these three options:

    1) Check to see if the record already exists before doing the insert. The downside is that it would require some extra code and processing time.
    2) Set a single unique index on both the user ID and the pole ID columns, so that duplicate records aren’t allowed in the table. This would force MySQL to handle that check for you. The downside is that it might fire off a rather ugly error depending on how $wpdb->insert() is designed to handle the response to a duplicate index exception.
    3) Skip $wpdb->insert() entirely and use a straight SQL conditional insert statement via one of PHP’s many database extensions (such as mysqli). The downside is that you won’t have WordPress handling security, so you’ll need to escape any rogue input to prevent SQL injection attacks.

    Sorry, I wish I could be of more help.

    Thread Starter smileX


    Okey bcwp, thanks for taking your time.

    I guess I′ve to look around a bit for a solution, kinda feels like my deadline is rushing against me though.

    Anyway, thank you much for clearing some things out!


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