Hi there,
If the additional CSS didn’t work for you, please go to your dashboard >> plugins >> plugins editor >> select the Everest form from your left top plugin select option >> open file assists >> css >> admin.css >> now scroll down to the bottom and add the following CSS code, if you have any confusion then please check this screenshot:
.everest-forms_page_evf-builder .everest-forms .everest-forms-overlay, .everest-forms_page_evf-entries .everest-forms .everest-forms-overlay, .everest-forms_page_evf-settings .everest-forms .everest-forms-overlay {
display: none !important;
After adding this CSS code please clear the caches, it will remove the pre-loader icon and you can continue the form editing work. If you are still getting the pre-loader after adding this code then it is your browser cache.