• Oh Woe is me.

    Been using SI/FSCF for many years with nary a problem, and fantastic support from Mike, but I just ran into a bump and wanted to scream.

    I was working with a form, trying to emulate a two column arrangement with the css, and running into a problem because I couldn’t get the clear:both; div to go away. (It was stopping the last element, which I had floated right, from rising upwards to align beside the other elements which I had floated to the left.)

    I did a workaround with position:relative, and top:-110; to move the element upwards.

    But, when I tested the error messaging by trying to submit an empty form, the alignment was broken in that the error messages forced the elements down approximately 15px for each error message, which threw my element with the position relative off the bottom of my form block.

    So, I thunk a bit, and thought I would try position:absolute; to see what happened.

    Well, what happened was that my form crashed. (I was going to use another word that started with the same three letters, but thought better of it, but that was my reaction.) I lost the subject field and all subsequent fields, and it appears all my styles were reset.

    I had been working with this dad-blame thing for five hours, mainly because I wanted to use FSCF because of it’s reliability and security. Now, I’m wondering if I don’t need to delete the form and do a quick tutorial on JQuery.

    Somebody cheer me up!



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