• Hey guys, this is what’s up. I forgot the generated password that Word Press gave me when I had installed it onto my webhost. But, then I logged out. Now, I can’t log back in and the host I am with, doesn’t allow me to send myself an email to reset my password. I was wondering if anyone in here, knew how to reset the password in the database?

    Last time I had forgotten my password, I had just gone into PHPadmin and saw the password in there, and used it. This time for some reason, I am not being able to use the password in there. I tried making a dummy username and such, but I guess I am going it all wrong.

    I don’t want to have to delete and reinstall wordpress. I have done so much to it, in the pass few hours. I hope someone can help me! I am so pissed with myself cause of this.

    Hope to hear from someone soon.

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  • use my insecure script, and dont forget to delete the file when you are done.


    I downloaded this script and uploaded it to the right directory on my site. I went to the page and I followed the directions, and when I enter the correct administrator username in the ENTER USERNAME field (the only field on the page) it comes back saying “!password field is empty”. But there is no password field. I thought maybe it was my browser (Firefox) so I checked it in Safari and there is also only the ENTER USERNAME field as well, but that one doesn’t allow you to even type anything there. I tried other usernames that I knew were incorrect, and I got a prompt that it was incorrect (in addition to the original prompt). I also checked my email repeatedly and nothing is there. I am the site administrator.


    The form in that script is plain old stock HTML, so if you dont see all the form fields it would make sense to Re-Upload it.

    if the script still isnt working for you, (and Im going to hazard a guess that you did NOT upload it properly since I JUST tested the file, and theres nothing wrong with it — you would also be the first of like 600+ that have had a problem (its so simple its pathetic))

    .. use the phpmyadmin way


    For future reference, php files are uploaded as ascii. Images are uploaded as binary. Most ftp clients have an auto-detect option for that.

    Will do – thanks!

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