• I was under the impression that favorites could be save by non-logged in users. But the page I have the shortcode for favorites list is requiring login. Do people have to be logged in with a user account for this plugin to work? Thanks

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Takashi Matsuyama


    Hi @wildthayne,

    Thank you for your question.

    No, this plugin can also be used without a user login.

    Please put the favorites list shortcode on page that do not require login.
    This shortcode can be placed on any page.

    The following code is also useful to navigate to the favorites list page.

    [ccc_my_favorite_list_menu slug="Your Page Slug Name"]

    I hope this is helpful.


    Thread Starter WildThayne


    I had this on the favorites page: [ccc_my_favorite_list_results class=”favs” excerpt=”100″] But if I am not logged in, it shows nothing but forces a login screen. I removed wordfence and loginizer plugins to see if that was blocking it, but that did not change anything. https://www.destinationcaldwell.com/favorite-articles/ Is where the shortcode is. Things seem to be working if I am logged in as an admin. But nothing is saved if not logged in still. Any ideas?

    Plugin Author Takashi Matsuyama


    Hi @wildthayne,

    Thanks for your reply.

    This plugin does not have the function to force a login.

    Probably, the function to force login is working on the page “favorite-articles” itself due to some other influence than this plugin.

    Please try placing the shortcode on another page.


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