The function to change a password is here:
You’d use that function in an action attached to the user login:
This function will generate a password:
Thank you for your quick reply!
Hmm I think I need a solution like this scenario: They log in, recieve password in email or by text on the phone, when they exit site, they automatically log out. When they revisit, they will have to change pasword, but need to recieve it, either by text or email again.
I know that they could sell the info, but if they would have to send the info to the buyer every time, I hope that at least it will make it difficult.
I will myself tell them, they get fined if selling, and will keep record of ip-adress etc. that way I can sort of monitor the activity. I will also make sure, they will have to use the information I have on them, so no changing e-mail or phone-number, if they don’t change it in my webshop, where they buy products.
It will be access for people attending classes with me anyway, so they will have an interest in visiting the site often, so completely selling info would be stupid.
Does this make sense?
I will have a look at the links you provided for me, thank you for taking the time to answer me, it is greatly apreciated!
]]>I hope I can find a solution, that at least let me pretend that I can do all this LOL.
I appreciate you taking the time to think about my idea. And I really think a combination of some of the things you wrote earlier can get me a bit closer to an almost perfect solution.
I know I will not always be able to catch cheaters, BUT as my country is very small, everybody talks to everybody, and eventually I will probably be warned. I also believe that most of the cheaters, will be “scared off” by the hassle and the warning about fines…
I will leave this topic open a bit longer, if somebody else have ideas.
Regards Karen