Found the answer, it’s easy.
Posted here for future reference should others come looking for the solution:
How do I make certain parts of the page stay dynamic?
It’s compatible with Staticze Reloaded. From their FAQ:
There are two ways to do this, you can have functions that say dynamic or include entire other files. To have a dynamic function in the cached PHP page use this syntax around the function:
<!–mfunc function_name(‘parameter’, ‘another_parameter’) –>
<?php function_name(‘parameter’, ‘another_parameter’) ?>
The HTML comments around the mirrored PHP allow it to be executed in the static page. To include another file try this:
<!–mclude file.php–>
<?php include_once(ABSPATH . ‘file.php’); ?>
That will include file.php under the ABSPATH directory, which is the same as where your wp-config.php file is located.