• This is an ugly hack and a request to help make it better.

    The story: If you are getting really slammed with traffic, you get WP-Cache. And it works very well.

    But if you are ALSO getting a ton of comments, WP-Cache is less helpful because each new comment clears your cache. I wanted a way to KEEP my cache FOR THE FRONT PAGE — even if a new comment was submitted (but still clear it if a new post is posted/edited).

    Here’s one way: in wp-cache-phase2.php, replace the functions wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment with this:

    function wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment($comment_id) {
    $comment = get_commentdata($comment_id, 1, true);
    $postid = $comment['comment_post_ID'];
    // We must check it up again due to WP bugs calling two different actions
    // for delete, for example both wp_set_comment_status and delete_comment
    // are called whene deleting a comment
    if ($postid > 0)
    return wp_cache_post_change($postid, true); // second parameter protects home page (wbh)
    return wp_cache_post_change(wp_cache_post_id(), true);// second parameter protects home page (wbh)

    And wp_cache_post_change with this:

    // second parameter protects home page (wbh)
    function wp_cache_post_change($post_id, $savehome = false) {
    global $file_prefix;
    global $cache_path;
    static $last_processed = -1;
    // set this to something that will match your front page (wbh)
    $front_page_pattern = "/blog/index.php/";
    // Avoid cleaning twice the same pages
    if ($post_id == $last_processed) return $post_id;
    $last_processed = $post_id;
    $meta = new CacheMeta;
    $matches = array();
    if ( ($handle = opendir( $cache_path )) ) {
    while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    if ( preg_match("/^($file_prefix.*).meta/", $file, $matches) ) {
    $meta_pathname = $cache_path . $file;
    $content_pathname = $cache_path . $matches[1] . ".html";
    if ($post_id > 0 && ($meta = unserialize(@file_get_contents($meta_pathname))) ) {
    if (!$savehome || !preg_match($front_page_pattern, $meta->uri)) // protect home page (wbh)
    if ( !$meta->post || $meta->post == $post_id ) {
    } else {
    // wbh: this if-then just to protect home page
    if (!$savehome || !preg_match($front_page_pattern, $meta->uri)) // protect home page (wbh)
    return $post_id;

    You have to tweak the line after SET THIS (which will be line 265).

    Ugliest hack ever. Not for the timid. But if you are facing a slashdot level of traffic and comments, it will help.

    I need a way to dynamically and reliably figure out what the REQUEST_URI of someone’s front page is.

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