well, lyte uses the wordpress is_ssl() function, so if wordpress doesn’t know it’s on https then lyte doesn’t either. you can try a code snippet like this one to hack your way around that;
function lyte_https($in) {
return $in;
Thanks for answer! But not helped, i edit code in plugin to $lyteSettings['scheme'] = "https" ;
I deactivated and activated plugin after edit. But it not helped too.
* can you make sure wp-youtube-lyte.php is back to it’s original state (you made a change there, right?)
* can you change the video on that testpage, or add another one?
I deleted then installed plugin to be sure all by default and changed video to new one. But it not helped. Maybe i should change in DB options of plugin?
OK, the links in the noscript tags are not correctly HTTPS, so that works. now for the thumbnail URL, that is fetched from the YouTube API, I’ll have to chech under which conditions they are returned with HTTP vs HTTPS, I’ll report back here when I know more ??