Force resize?
The plugin seems to possibly be working for some but not all images. For example, my header image, which is explicitely named in the theme’s options, is not resizing, neither is a Paypal button graphic named in a form code. Is there a way to explicitely include code for those images so that they resize appropriately?
Hello, my friend,
Well if the plugin is working for some of your images, then it is probably working for all of them! The difference is that some images might not even need to be resized because a) they are already small enough, b) even though they might be big enough, they have not been requested by a device small enough or c) your plugin settings may have not included their directory in the included watched directories.
You see, whether our plugin affects an image or not, is a combination of the dimensions of the image, the dimensions of the requesting devices and the plugin settings you have selected.
Let me know if you would like some further analysis on this.
TakisHonestly I don’t know if it’s working or not. I see qty 0 cached images:
Calculate cache size
Total files in the adaptive images cache: 0
Total directories in the adaptive images cache: 0
Total size of the adaptive images cache: 0Take a look:
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
It seems to be coding but, not the right size for the view. This was pulled from the DevTool on Chrome while viewing it in mobile testing. 1920px should not be the right value correct?
<img style="" alt="Logo" src=",1" data-adaptive-images="true">
I am not sure why your Chrome developer tools in responsive design mode do not report the correct screen size. Usually they report the size of the device being emulated at any particular moment. I have a Youtube video with such an example prepared for debugging the usage of our plugin here:
Now, I checked your website and the plugin seems to be working alright on images which are served directly by your WordPress installation. Take a look at these debugging image urls, for example:
However, most of your images, like this one, seem to be served by a CDN, most probably Jetpack/Photon. Unfortunately a CDN like Jetpack completely bypasses your WoredPress installation and our plugin, in order to use a different domain than your original website domain.
Our plugin can work with CDNs which do not change the domain of the website, but even that is still experimental.
TakisThanks for taking a look!
I disabled Jetpack and made sure my site wasn’t caching with the host, turned off any related plugins, etc.
Despite this, I’m still seeing the main logo and the Paypal button on the front page not resizing as they should and they do not have the tail code for the resizing either.
Anything else you can suggest?
Hello, my friend,
First of all you do not need to disable Jetpack altogether, just the Photon feature, and only if you need to use the advantages of our plugin!
Our plugin seems to be working alright now and serving images according to each screen device. Check out these debugging image urls:
All the above show that the plugin is now working in full. If you would like to test things for yourself you may follow the instructions in the “How to test” section of the plugin description page.
TakisThanks Takis.
Despite this, I’m still seeing the main logo or Paypal button not resizing on mobile. Not sure what’s going on.
Here are results:
Hello, again,
Well from my tests even these images that you mention seem to be resized as expected. Take a look a this screenshot, where it is easy to see that on a 320px wide screen the image delivered is 480px. while the original image width is 700px wide, as you can see here
Also, from the results you sent it is visible that the downloaded size of the logo is 20.4KB ( while its size is 35.3KB. This means that a downsized version of it must have been downloaded in that and that the plugin really works!
Last but not least, if I may make such a point, your website has two major optimisation issues: 1) a very big time to first byte, which probably means that your setup of theme and plugins are not working optimally in you server environment and 2) a huge number of Javascript and CSS files, which should be a lot less and concatenated in less HTTP requests.
TakisThank you! This site is still under development and I appreciate your input which will help a lot! What should I do in order to make my 400px wide logo fit automatically in any device size?
Well, the actual size of your logo is 700px, not 400! What our plugin does is to make it smaller in order to save bandwidth an download times. However, what the user sees is a matter of how your theme is handling and rendering each image. This means that you should consult your theme provider on this and see what is supported or what could be changed.
Terribly sorry I cannot do much more about that!
TakisI actually reduced the size to 500px for that logo. OK I see so your plugin doesn’t technically resize the logo to fit other devices, it just makes it smaller in size bytes-wise to be handled better and make the site more efficient?
Exactly! Our plugin makes images smaller in bytes so that they download quickly in smaller devices. However it is the themes job how it will render them after all. And, to be honest, it was our explicit intention to not mess at all with how one’s theme behaves, in order to function as transparently as possible.
Hope this helps!
Takis -
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
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