• Based on lib/UserList,class.php I can see that the recent activity ordering is based on the most recent post by an author but if Buddypress is active, it uses the buddypress activity stream. Is there a better way I can override this so that even though we have buddypress running, we can order the authors by recent post instead? I know I can easily hack the code to accomplish this but thats never my favourite solution.


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  • Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    It sound like the order by might need looking at

    There are 2 options in the Sorting order: option – number of posts and recent activity

    Have you tried to set these as it should override any default. So if its not working I feel that we have found a bug.

    please do some more testing as I don’t have a test install with any real data

    If you wish to hack the code feel free to pull from https://github.com/pbearne/wp-author-avatars/ I will add any patch you submit

    Note there is breaking CSS change in the head .multiwidget => .widget


    Thread Starter stueynet


    Number of posts is not quite the same as most recent post. The plugin itself doesn’t have a bug. You use a function called get_user_last_activity which checks if BP is running and uses the BP activity. If BP is not running it uses the most recent post.

    Original code:

    function get_user_last_activity($user_id) {
    		if (AA_is_bp()) {
    			return gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)get_user_meta( $user_id, 'last_activity' ) );
    			global $wpdb;
    			$query = $wpdb->prepare(
    				"SELECT p.post_date
    				FROM $wpdb->posts p
    					p.post_status = 'publish'
    					p.post_author = %d
    				ORDER BY p.post_date
    				DESC LIMIT 1",
    			return $wpdb->get_var( $query);

    The other issue is that it only looks at posts table without regard for the post type. So if you have admins in there, it will count things like pages, added products etc… So in our case I also only wanted to use actual blog posts and not other posts so in the query I set the post type to posts.

    Here is the hacked version:

    // pluginhack
    //		if (AA_is_bp()) {
    //			return gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', (int)get_user_meta( $user_id, 'last_activity' ) );
    //		}else{
    			global $wpdb;
    			$query = $wpdb->prepare(
    				"SELECT p.post_date
    				FROM $wpdb->posts p
    					p.post_status = 'publish'
    					p.post_type = 'post'
    					p.post_author = %d
    				ORDER BY p.post_date
    				DESC LIMIT 1",
    			return $wpdb->get_var( $query);
    //	}

    The hack is not appropriate for contribution to the plugin because its a dirty fix for my own specific purposes. However it shouldn’t take long to break out the options a little more to include recent post as a sorting option.

    Have a look!

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne



    I need to work this through from the select option

    and I take you point about post type

    It looks like I need to add the ability to select post types to count and set just posts as the default

    Thanks for the spot

    More work ??


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