Hi @monst3r
Re-smushing images wouldn’t make the “optimized more” and it will not recreate those missing images.
If you have deleted thumbnails and other additional images and need to regenerate it there are two simple ways to do this:
1. In Bulk Smush settings in Smush there’s a “Bulk restore” option which you can use for that but only if prior to smushing you had the “Backup original images” option enabled in Bulk Smush settings.
2. Otherwise, you would need to use some 3rd-party free plugin for thumbnail regeneration; for example Force Regenerate Thumbnails or similar.
This will let you re-create missing images and after that Smush should also automatically detect that there are new images that need optimization and let you run bulk-smushing on them.
But if images were already optimized, you have removed some and do not want/need to regenerate them – there’s simply no need to do optimization on already optimized ones.
Kind regards,