• I have a development copy of each of our sites, and a live copy of each. I was able to import all of the shortcodes and fix errors and save them on the development site, but when I attempted to do this on the live site, when i click the save button I am getting a “Forbidden” notice.

    The Live site has W3TC, MaxCDN, Cloudflare, Wordfence, and blogVault installed, but otherwise the sites are identical.


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  • Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    Would you try selectively deactivating those plugins and importing to figure out which one causes the issue?

    Thread Starter Dane Morgan


    I’m going to have to recreate the site on a test domain to do that, but yes I will.

    Thread Starter Dane Morgan


    It is Wordfence that is preventing saving the form.

    This code returns a “Forbidden” message with WordFence activated.

    /*if ( is_numeric ( $thisrank ) ) :
    	$rank = 0;
    	foreach( get_cfc_meta( 'logotable', $post->ID ) as $key => $value ) :
    		$check = get_cfc_field( 'logotable','rank', false, $key );
    		if ( $check == $thisrank ) :
    			$rank = $check;
    			$img_obj = get_cfc_field( 'logotable','logo-image', false, $key );
    			$logo =  '<img class="nobo aligncenter wp-image-' . $img_obj['id'] . ' size-full"
    								  id="' . $img_obj['id'] . '"
    								  src="' . $img_obj['sizes']['csm-logo-table'] . '"
    								  height="' . $img_obj['height'] . '"
    								  width="' . $img_obj['width'] . '"
    								  alt="' . $img_obj['alt'] . '"
    								  title="' . $img_obj['title'] .'" />';
    	if ( $rank != 0 ) :
    		$out = <<<EOD
    		<table class="alignleft nobo logotable" style="table-layout:fixed;width:374px;height:90px;">
    				<tr class="nobo">
    					<td class="nobo rank-number" style="font-size:67px;font-weight:bold;color:#000;width:134px;height:90px;line-height:90px;vertical-align: middle;">#$rank</td>
    					<td class="nobo rank-logo" style="width:240px;height:90px;vertical-align:middle;">$logo</td>
    		</table><!-- .logotable -->
    	else :
    		$out = <<<EOD
    		<table class="alignleft nobo logotable" style="table-layout:fixed;width:374px;height:90px;">
    				<tr class="nobo">
    					<td class="nobo rank-number" style="font-size:67px;font-weight:bold;color:#000;width:134px;height:90px;line-height:90x;vertical-align:middle;">Err</td>
    					<td class="nobo rank-logo" style="width:240px;height:90px;vertical-align:middle;">Requested rank value does not exist. Please add it in the editor.</td>
    		</table><!-- .logotable -->
    	endif; // $rank != 0
    else :
    	$out = <<<EOD
    	<table class="alignleft nobo logotable" style="table-layout:fixed;width:314px;height:110px;">
    			<tr class="nobo">
    				<td class="nobo rank-number" style="font-size:67px;font-weight:bold;color:#000;width:134px;height:90px;line-height:90px;vertical-align:middle;">Err</td>
    				<td class="nobo rank-logo" style="width:240px;height:90px;vertical-align:middle;">Rank must be numeric.</td>
    	</table><!-- .logotable -->
    endif; //is_numeric($thisrank) */

    Here is the Wordfence setting token

    Thread Starter Dane Morgan


    In the above code it seems to be choking on the

    global $post;

    When I remove that it saves just fine.

    However, the shortcode did not return any value or any error.

    Then when I deleted it and remade it without the global $post; it saved and the shortcode works.

    I guess I didn’t need the global, I thought, at best, I was going to get the message about an error in the shortcode.

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I’m totally confused. What is that code? is that a shortcode you made? It’s all commented out. There is no “global $post” in it. And $thisrank is not defined either.

    Are you saying when you put (or don’t put?) “global” in your shortcode then the plugin fails to save but only when WordFence is activate?

    Thread Starter Dane Morgan


    Sorry. I was testing commenting out different parts of the code and had narrowed it down to a global $post that was at the top of the code. removing it and running the remaining code prevents the code from saving to the database when WordFence is enabled.

    So the presence of global $post in my shortcode while WordFence was enabled with the settings exported to the provided token results in a failure to save the shortcode and a message “Forbidden”

    Thank you for your post, I had the same bug!
    I copy all my website to my dev server and I couldn’t save/update my shortcode PHP with add-actions-and-filters (Forbidden) or shortcode-exec-php plugin (error 403).
    In fact that is the new firwall in Wordfence who do that.
    1. If your are in Learning Mode you have to answer allowed at “Whitelisted while in Learning Mode” question. (In my case I had deleted Wordfence and Wordfence table in dB)

    2. You can add “Add Whitelisted URL/Param” in the Firewall tab:
    shortcode-exec-php :
    Param: POST/Body
    Param Name: phpcode

    add-actions-and-filters :
    Param: POST/Body
    Param Name: code

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    That you for posting!

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