• Hi all,

    i found this today, during the update process from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 in multi-site environment.
    After the automatic upgrade process, i was unable to access the “Network admin” pages. I always have a infinite redirection loop on my two WP updated blogs.
    To correct this, i’ve done two things:
    In one of my blog i have to use phpMyadmin to remove the “www.” from the front of my domain name in the wp_site table (no need to if for the other one it have been remove some time ago).
    On the two WP blog i have to edit wp-config.php to comment the line : define( ‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’ );

    BTW, everything works fine now :).

    Hopping it can help some of you.

    Always happy to be able to share some information.

    PS. I don’t know if it works with the IIS problem i use Linux…



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