• Easy Footnotes works fine when viewing the blog or an individual post. However, it breaks on my dynamic front page. My static front page is using a template, which is essentially the blog page but with $the_query = new WP_Query( 'posts_per_page=5' ); being used, as seen here.

    Here’s how it’s broken:

    • on the front page, the latest post has 4 footnotes, and it shows properly
    • the next post has no footnotes, but a footnote label section at the end of the post with 8 footnotes (the first 4 footnotes of the latest article, repeated)
    • the next post has no footnotes, but a footnote label section at the end of the post with 12 footnotes (the first 4 footnotes of the latest article, repeated 3x)

    and so on.

    I’m guessing it has something to do in part because is_singular() && is_main_query() and $footnoteCopy being global of the easy_footnote_after_content function? I know it is possible to get this working. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!


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