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  • Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Hi mosne. I’ll add this to the next update. Thanks ??

    Hey !
    Good news and thanks dartiss for taking over…

    When can we expect (roughly) the next update ? Just to know if i make a temporary fix myself or i just wait the update.


    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Just pushed it out…


    The change in version 1.6.4 did not fix the numbering issue that I see. The problem seems to be when back-to-back footnotes are used. The search pointer is getting set ahead of the next tag that identifies the footnote.

    This change fixed it for me:

    --- task.php.orig	2016-08-28 12:24:35.774870108 -0700
    +++ task.php	2016-08-28 13:22:34.731493173 -0700
    @@ -408,9 +408,13 @@
     				// increase footnote index
    -			// add offset to the new starting position
    -			$l_int_PosStart += $l_int_Length + strlen($l_str_EndingTag);
    -			$l_int_PosStart = $l_int_Length + strlen($l_str_FootnoteReplaceText);
    +		    if (strlen($l_str_FootnoteReplaceText) > $l_int_Length) {
    +				$l_int_PosStart += strlen($l_str_FootnoteReplaceText);
    +		    } else {
    +				$l_int_PosStart += strlen($l_int_Length) + strlen($l_str_EndingTag);
    +			}
     		} while (true);
     		// return content
    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Thanks for this @mooredan. I’ll take a look at this and add it to the next release of the plugin ??

    Hi @dartiss,

    For some reason, the superscript footnote numbers have recently begun appearing out of numerical order for me (e.g. 1, 3, 2, 4 or 1, 2, 3, 5). This is the case for both posts that have been up for awhile (that were originally in correct order) and when we try new posts.

    In certain cases, if I reduce the number of characters in the preceding footnote, the numbers bump back into order; then, when I replace those characters, it returns to being out of numerical order. That said, there are certain posts that feature similarly long footnotes that don’t bump the numbering out of order. We tried mooredan’s fix from above, but alas – the numbers stayed out of order.

    Thank you so much in advance!

    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Hi @nyumcb,

    Thanks for letting me know. Do you have a URL that you can share where I can see the issue occurring?

    I already have a bug fix due for some renumbering issues, so that may fix your issue as well. But, certainly, if I can see the exact instance it might help me to validate this.


    Thank you so much for the quick reply. The following links to posts show the issue:


    As you can see, the ordering of the footnotes goes 1, 3, 2, 4


    As you can see, the ordering of the footnotes goes 1, 3, 4, 2.

    Thank you so much for any and all guidance!

    Plugin Contributor David Artiss


    Thanks @nyumcb. I’ll look into this further and attempt to get these numbering issues fixed in the next release ??


    I’ve taken down the posts I linked to in my last message for now — please let me know if you’d like me to re-publish them if it would be helpful to you in fixing the issue for the next release.

    Thanks again for your all of your help!

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