• Resolved theticus


    Can you tell me how to reduce the size of the footer text please?

    The default size is a bit too big for my customer.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Hello,
    You have to change your CSS. To add custom css you can create child theme or use plugins.
    For Plugins:
    Activate the plugin.
    and add following code inside the Custom CSS box and SAVE.

    .site-footer .site-info {
        font-size: 11px;

    Note: You can replace 11 px with your own value

    Thread Starter theticus


    Hi Madhusudan,
    Thanks for the quick reply.

    I have a child theme wp-starter and I can place custom css.

    So I have added the code you sent at the end of the child theme CSS, however, it doesn’t change.

    Any other option?

    Can you post url of your site?

    Thread Starter theticus


    Here it is..


    The code you have to put inside your child theme’s style.css

    .footer_wrap p, .footer_wrap a {
        font-size: 0.8rem !important;

    Note:if you want to increase size put 0.9rem instead.

    Thread Starter theticus


    Thanks for your reply again.

    I have put that code you sent into child theme called “wp-starter” style.css, saved it but still not changing anything. I changed the different values 0.8, 0.9, 0.5 etc but no changes.

    Here is the pic of what i have done.


    Any idea?

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Hi there,

    I am at work right now so I don’t have access to my files.

    You may want to try placing the css code above the media query section and see if that corrects the font size.

    When I get home later I’ll take a look.

    You may also want to try and use the dev told provided by your browser to assist you in find the right element you need to target.

    Thread Starter theticus


    Yey! You’re back.. I was wondering where you disappeared.. <grin>

    Yes I moved above the media section and it didn’t change.

    I found the problem.. its the comment line that blocking the CSS code. I couldn’t believe myself.

    I had this below and nothing was passing. That double forward slash.

    // footer text size
    .footer_wrap p, .footer_wrap a {
    font-size: 0.7rem !important;

    Then I changed the comment line to below.

    /* footer text size */
    .footer_wrap p, .footer_wrap a {
    font-size: 0.7rem !important;

    BINGO! All works now. Thanks guys for this awesome quick support! Your theme is always in use <grin>

    Closing this as resolved.

    Theme Author ThemeAWESOME


    Lol I haven’t gone anywhere, I’m always here, but when in at work I really can’t provide that much help…Lol

    Glad you got it sorted out.

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