• Resolved alliebells15


    Hey Rich,

    I’m trying to do a full width page registration similar to twitter and I CANNOT Get this thing to let go of the background image or the footer menu. I tried all sorts of css (mind that I am a novice) and so now I am exhausted and pleading for assistance.

    link – https://eltconjunction.com/main-registration/

    It doesn’t have to be a slider, I just need it to let go of the default format for this page and let me put in a full page image with other quirks. I use the Site origin builder, so I am sure I can get what I want, but I need the code to remove the footer menu and kill the background image. Help please :).



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  • Theme Author Richie KS


    add this to customizer->general->custom css

    body#custom.page-id-1502 {background-image: none; background-color:#fff;}
    body#custom.page-id-1502 .footer-top {display:none;}
    body#custom.page-id-1502 .innerwrap {max-width:100%;}
    Thread Starter alliebells15


    Thanx Rich ?? Worked like a charm…

    One more thing…my comment text is really itty bitty…

    Its impossibly small. I tried buddypress#acomment-content { font-size: 20px; }
    buddypress#activity-comments {font-size: 20px; }

    and neither worked…it adjusted something but not the comment font size…Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    Thread Starter alliebells15


    nevermind, found an old thread about this. Thanx Rich :).

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